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《灵界经历》 第2311节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2311

2311. This showed clearly that in the whole world of spirits, hatred against Truth and Goodness reigns, consequently against the Lord. For I was not able to get even the very least feeling in which that hatred was not predominating, and which it did not twist in a remarkable way and corrupt. And this was happening in the whole complex of that world, which would influence all people on earth, completely turning them away from all truth and goodness, and completely corrupting truth and goodness, if the Lord did not rule the universe. I was made to experience this most plainly in the sight of angels, and of others who up till then had not wanted to believe that the Lord rules the universe. 1748, 12 June.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2311

2311. Hence it might plainly appear that in the whole world of spirits reigns hatred against the True and the Good, therefore against the Lord; for not the least perceptible [sensible] thing could be given me wherein it did not reign [which] it did [not] wonderfully bend and pervert; and this is in the common system of that world, that it would inflow into all, and entirely avert them from all that is true and good, and wholly pervert the true and the good, did not the Lord rule the universe. [This] experience occurred quite plainly to me, in presence of the angels and [such] as did not wish before to believe, that the Lord rules the universe. - 1748, June 12.

Experientiae Spirituales 2311 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2311. Exinde manifeste potuit constare, quod in toto mundo spirituum regnet odium contra Verum et Bonum, proinde contra Dominum; nam ne minimum quidem sensibile dari mihi potuit, in quo non regnaret, flecteret mirabiliter, et perverteret; et hoc in systemate mundi istius communi, quod in omnes homines influeret 1

, et eos prorsus ab omni vero et bono averteret, et verum ac bonum prorsus perverteret, nisi Dominus regeret universum; experientia facta mihi manifestissime, coram angelis, quique {a} id prius credere non voluerunt, quod Dominus universum regit. 1748, 12 Junius.


1. The Manuscript has se influeret

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