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《灵界经历》 第2363节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2363

2363. About the Dragon

About the Dragon, discussed earlier [2017-2018 and sporadically], it was observed that when in fear, and consequently in thought about all he has coming to him, in that state of mind he is sorry, and grieves, and wants to return to his senses, groans, acts sad, as is read of the Jews when in captivity and afflicted by their enemies. But the moment he comes out of that state, he returns to himself and is like himself, doing nothing but stirring up and scheming evil against everything to do with faith. From him as their father and from his seed, such people derive [this character], the Jews especially, whose father he is. 1748, 20 June.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2363


See above [prius] concerning the Dragon. I have observed that he is of such a nature, that when he is in fear he is then also thinking of what is to befall him; when he is in that state he repents, is full of grief [dolet], and wishes to return to himself [resipiscere], groans, yea, is in such misery as we read the Jews [were plunged] when in captivity and affliction on account of enemies. But presently when he emerges (from this state), he returns to himself and is like himself and contrives and devises nothing but evil against all that belongs to faith. From him as their father, and from his seed do those who are such derive [habent] [their disposition] especially the Jews, because he is their father. - 1748, June 20.

Experientiae Spirituales 2363 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2363. De Dracone

De Dracone vide prius [2017-18 et passim]; observatus talis, quod cum in timore est, tunc quoque in cogitatione eorum, quae sibi ventura, in eo statu cum est, poenitet eum, et dolet, vultque resipiscere, gemit, imo misere se habet, sicut de Judaeis legitur, cum in captivitate et in afflictione pro hostibus, at illico cum emergit, is ad se redit, et similis sibi est, nec nisi malum contra omne quod est fidei, molitur, et machinatur; ab eo ut a suo patre, exque ejus semine [id] habent ii qui tales sunt, Judaei imprimis, quia is est eorum pater. 1748, 20 Junius.

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