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《灵界经历》 第2376节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2376

2376. Societies have their own spirits with people on earth

Societies of spirits sent me, or chose for themselves, spirits who were to be near me, whom I have earlier called mediums [405, 1254, 2316], for through them they know what is being thought and spoken. So on several occasions they have sent me their own spirits for the sake of communication, which would otherwise have been cut off. Spirits have an almost innate knowledge of this, for they all know it is true, as I have even been enabled to learn from evil spirits, who have their emissaries as communication centers round about, like a spider in its web, thereby establishing communications.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2376


Societies of spirits sent spirits to me, or selected for themselves spirits to be near me, whom I have already denominated subjects; for through them they know what is thought and what speaks, wherefore, they sent to me their spirits several times for the sake of communication, otherwise the communication would be taken away. This is as it were innate in spirits, for they all know that it is so. It was also given to learn it from evil spirits, who have their emissaries like centers of communication round about, like spiders in their webs; hence they form communications for themselves.

Experientiae Spirituales 2376 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2376. Quod societates habeant penes homines suos spiritus

Societates spirituum ad me miserunt, aut sibi elegerunt spiritus, qui prope me essent, quos prius appellavi subjecta [405, 1254, 2316], per eos enim sciunt quid cogitatur et quid loquitur, quare miserunt ad me suos spiritus pluries, ob communicationis causam--aliter 1

esset communicatio adempta--quod 2

spiritibus quasi innatum est, nam sciunt omnes quod ita sit, quod ex malis spiritibus etiam discere datum, qui suos emissarios habent sicut centra communicationum circumcirca, sicut aranea 3

in sua tela, inde communicationes sibi formant.


1. The Manuscript has causam, aliter

2. The Manuscript has adempta, quod

3. The Manuscript has arenea

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