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《灵界经历》 第247节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 247

247. The extreme cruelty of some who nevertheless profess mercy and holiness with the mouth

Something so very cruel was depicted to me this night, that anyone would shudder if he should get even a slight notion of it. Therefore I want to spare chaste eyes and ears an account of the details. They were proclaiming the mercy of God the Messiah, which they arrogated to themselves alone. For some quite trivial reason, as I explained to them, they seemed to want to lay a most cruel hand upon innocence itself, for the sake of revenge (but in the manner of spirits, who believe that what they conjure up by fantasy is really there). So they were occupied with an act entirely opposite to mercy, but whether they have any mercy, and charity, anyone can judge, since they themselves committed an act contrary to mercy and charity, just for the sake of vengeance against innocence - not against wickedness, or with a good motive.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 247


This night something so very cruel was represented to me, that if anyone perceived but a slight idea of it, he would be horrified; wherefore I wish to spare chaste eyes and ears in referring to it. Certain spirits, from some very trifling cause, cried out for the mercy of God Messiah, which they claimed for themselves alone, as I also explained to them; for they seemed to lay a most cruel hand upon innocence itself for the sake of revenge; but it was only those spirits who suppose that what they apprehend in phantasy exists; thus they committed an act altogether opposed to mercy. But whether they have any mercy and charity anyone can judge, since of themselves they committed an act contrary thereto, solely for the sake of revenge against innocence, not against wickedness from a good end.

Experientiae Spirituales 247 (original Latin 1748-1764)

247. Quorundam summa crudelitas, qui tamen ore praeferunt misericordiam et sanctum 1

Crudelissimum quoddam hac nocte mihi 2

repraesentatum, quod unusquisque horreret, si modo aliquam ideam ejus perciperet 3

, quare oculis et auribus etiam castis parcere velim, ea referendo; clamabant misericordiam Dei Messiae, quam sibi solis vindicabant, ex causa admodum levi, quam iis quoque explicui, in ipsam enim innocentiam vindictae causa, manum crudelissimam inferre videbantur sed modo spirituum, qui putant id existere, quod phantasi. capiunt, ita prorsus oppositum misericordiae actum exercebant 4

, sed num iis aliqua misericordia, et charitas, quisque judicare potest, quum contrarium actum ex semet exercebant, solum vindictae causa in innocentiam, non ii malitias, ex fine bono.


1. The Manuscript has forte sancta

2. The Manuscript has mih

3. The Manuscript has percipereet

4. ms exerceebant

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