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《灵界经历》 第2470节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2470

2470. Humans on earth, their mental images, their spiritual elements, are comparable to vessels, which yield

By a spiritual mental image I realized quite clearly that nothing else is required of human beings than to be compliant vessels, that is, that all things in them to the very least be as it were yielding, and thus adapting themselves and thus conforming to the things being poured in by the Lord through angels and spirits, in such a way as not to resist or reject the things being poured in.

In order that one may not be resistant, but yielding, it is necessary that one have faith, and truth of faith, and be nothing, and do nothing from self, but let oneself be acted on, thus acting as if on our own - with ineffable happiness. When it comes to matters of belief and, to be sure, to everything pertaining to faith, we must with every single thought be absorbed in love of the neighbor and compassion and innocence, in order to be such a vessel and be able to enjoy happiness and experience the effect of those things that are being poured in by the Lord through the heavens. 1748, 1 July. This was confirmed by angels, who told that they were in such a state, when it pleased the Lord.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2470


By means of a spiritual idea I have perceived plainly enough that nothing else is required of [apud] man than to be a submissive vessel; that is, that all and each of his be, as it were, submissive, and so apply themselves, consequently be applied to those things which are infused by the Lord through angels and spirits, thus that they do not resist nor reject [respuant] what is infused. In order that man may not resist, but subsist, it is needful that he be in faith, and in the truth of faith, that he be nothing, and not do anything from himself, but suffer himself to be employed [agi]; he thus acts as from himself with ineffable felicity. Man and each of his ideas ought to be in those things that belong to faith, and, indeed, in all the things of faith, in love of the neighbor and mercy, in innocence, in order that he may be such a vessel, and may enjoy felicity, or perceive the effect of those things which are infused by the Lord through the heavens. - 1748, July 1. - This was confirmed by angels, who say that they are in such a state when it so pleases the Lord.

Experientiae Spirituales 2470 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2470. Quod homo, ejus ideae naturales, ejus spiritualia, comparanda vasis, quae cedunt

Per ideam spiritualem satis manifeste percepi, quod nihil aliud apud hominem requiratur, quam ut sit vas cedens, hoc est, omnia et singula ejus sint quasi cedentia, et sic semet applicantia, proinde applicata, iis quae a Domino per angelos et spiritus infundantur, sic ut non repugnent seu respuant ea quae infunduntur; ut homo sit non repugnans, sed cedens, opus est, ut in fide sit, utque sit in veritate fidei, sit nihil, nec quicquam ex se agat, sed agi se patiatur, ita agit quasi ex se, cum ineffabili 1

felicitate; in iis quae sunt fidei, et quidem omnibus fidei, in amore proximi, et misericordia, in innocentia, debet esse homo, et singulae ejus ideae, ut sit tale vas, utque frui possit felicitate, seu percipere effectum eorum, quae a Domino per coelos infunduntur. 1748, 1 Julius. Hoc confirmatum ab angelis, qui dicunt se in tali statu esse, quum Domino ita beneplacet.


1. The Manuscript has ineffabili

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