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《灵界经历》 第2471节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2471

2471. I spoke of these matters with the angels also through the spirits closest by, who said that they wanted to be like this, because then they can enjoy happiness, and I was prompted to tell them that they cannot be this kind of vessels unless they have truth. (Truths are all things down to the very least pertaining to faith, thus very far removed from fallacies and from falsities coming from fallacy or any other source.) For truth cannot dwell in a vessel made of falsities, but must by all means be in its own vessel, that is, in truth. This was so translucently seen by a spiritual mental image that they could say absolutely nothing against it. 1748, 1 July.

The spirits around me, too, were enabled to see that it is so, and that truth cannot possibly be in any but its own vessel, and then that it is the Lord's vessel. 1748, 1 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2471

2471. I also spoke with angels through the proximate spirits concerning those who said that they are thus willing, because then they can enjoy felicity; to whom it was granted to say that they cannot be such vessels unless they are in truth (truths are each and all things that belong to faith); thus, the most remote from fallacies, and hence from falsities, and from other things [aliunde]; for truth cannot dwell in a vessel of falsities, but wholly in its own vessel, to wit, in truth; which was perceived so clearly by a spiritual idea that they could say nothing at all contrary [thereto]. - 1748, July 1. - It was also granted to spirits around me also to perceive that that was true; wherefore they unanimously confessed that they plainly perceive that it is so, and that truth can never be but in its own vessel, and that then the vessel is the Lord's. - 1748, July 1.

Experientiae Spirituales 2471 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2471. Loquutus quoque de iis cum angelis per spiritus proximos, qui dicebant se ita esse velle, quia tunc felicitate ffui possunt, quibus dicere dabatur, quod talia vasa non possint esse, nisi sint in veritate, (veritates sunt omnia et singula quae sunt fidei, sic remotissima a fallaciis, et falsitatibus inde, et aliunde 1

) nam veritas non potest habitare in vase falsitatum, sed omnino in suomet vase, nempe in veritate, quod per ideam spiritualem, tam perspicue perceptum est, ut prorsus nihil dicere contra possent. 1748, 1 Julius. Dabatur etiam spiritibus circum me illud quoque percipere, quod illud verum, quare fassi unanimiter, quod manifeste percipiant, quod ita sit, et quod veritas nusquam possit esse, nisi in suomet vase, et tunc quod sit vas Domini. 1748, 1 Julius.


1. The Manuscript has aliund

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