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《灵界经历》 第2472节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2472

2472. About the Lord's Word, that the very least things there are vessels into which life is poured by the Lord

When I was reading 2445-2446], reflect the human as to its inward parts, for the inward parts of the body are all interacting with, as well as portraying, the inward regions of the heavens. 1748, 1 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2472


When I read 1 Samuel 9:1 to the end, and verses 25-26, I perceived by a spiritual idea how it is with interiors; the spiritual things therein are expressed as high: for instance, that Saul was invited to the high place; that he was placed before the chief men who were bidden; that he went up on the top of the house with Samuel, and there spoke with him; that he arose with the dawn [aurora]. Only those things are there mentioned [memorantur] which are high, which also are significant; for instance the high place; the top of the house; morning; and many things, which being connected in the interior sense constitute [faciunt] the idea of a king; of [one] representing the head; but the nexus is received from the Lord by angels, because with these are adjoined things that are not expressed, but still are contained in the ideas of the same words; for every word is, as it were, a vessel, and therein are infinite things, which cannot be presented save in the interior sense, as they are connected of ideas of words, which are not patent to the mind of man, but only, as it were, the sense of the letter, wherein is scarcely anything; thus they resemble, as before said, a kind of man, as to his interiors, for the interiors of the body are all correspondences, and so representatives of the interiors of heaven. - 1748, July 1.

Experientiae Spirituales 2472 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2472. De Verbo Domini, quod ibi singula sunt vasa, in qua {a} vita a Domino infunditur

Cum legerem I Sam. IX: 1 ad f. et v. 25, 26, percepi idea spirituali, quomodo interiora se habent, ibi singula expressa sunt ut alta, sicut quod in excelsum invitatus Saul, quod ante primos vocatos positus, quod surrexerit in tectum cum Samuele, et ibi loquutus cum eo, quod surgeret cum aurora surgeret, memorantur ibi solum quae alta sunt, quae etiam significant, sicut excelsum, tectum, mane, et plura, quae in sensu interiori connexa faciunt ideam regis, repraesentantis caput, sed nexus angelis perceptus a Domino, quia adjuncta sunt cum iis, quae non expressa, sed usque continentur in ideis earundem 1

vocum, nam unaquaevis vox est quasi vas, et in ea infinita, quae non sisti possunt nisi in sensu interiori, ut connectuntur ex ideis vocum, quae coram mente hominis non patent, sed modo sicut sensus literae, in quo vix quicquam inest. Ita referunt, ut prius dictum [2445], speciem hominis, quoad ejus interiora, nam interiooa corporis, sunt omnia correspondentia, ut repraesentativa interiorum coeli. 1748, 1 Julius.


1. The Manuscript has earundum

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