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《灵界经历》 第2497节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2497

2497. When these spirits were examined by the angels, then it appeared what they are like and by which snakes they are portrayed: up to the right thigh or shin, it appeared as a creeping snake - so they were not turned into snakes, but the rest appeared as human. They were not changed into snakes for the reason that they had been examined only by outward angels from among inward ones. If it had been done by inward angels, it would have been different, then they would have appeared as snakes in their whole length, in their proper form by which the kind of deceit is represented. Now because their appearance is quasi-human, or upright outwardly, and because they are liked and do not wholly destroy mankind - because they have not that much audacity - therefore something human appeared, such as also the childlike quality in their speech.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2497

2497. When these were inspected by angels, it then appeared of what quality they were and by whom serpents are represented: there appeared a serpent creeping upwards to the right thigh, or the leg below the knee [crus]: thus they were not turned into serpents, but they appeared to remain the likeness of a man; wherefore they are not changed into serpents, for the reason that they are inspected by exterior angels among the interior [angels]: it is otherwise if [they are inspected] by interior angels; they then would appear as continued serpents in their form, by which their class of cunning is represented. Now, because their appearance is, as it were, that of a man or upright person in externals, and they are beloved, and do not wholly destroy man, because they have not such audacity, therefore there appeared [something] human, as also an infantile principle in their speech.

Experientiae Spirituales 2497 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2497. Ii inspecti ab angelis, tunc apparebat quales essent, et per quos[nam] serpentes repraesentantur: apparebat serpens repens ad dextrum femur, seu crus, sursum; sic non versi in serpentes, sed reliquum apparebat instar hominis, quare non mutati sunt in serpentes, ex causa, quia solum ab angelis exterioribus apud interiores inspecti sunt, aliter si ab angelis interioribus, tunc apparerent serpentes continui, sua forma, qua genus doli repraesentatur; nunc quia apparentia eorum est quasi hominis seu probi in externis, et amantur, nec prorsus hominem destruunt, quia iis non talis audacia, ideo apparebat humanum, sicut in loquela eorum etiam infantile.

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