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《灵界经历》 第2498节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2498

2498. When thinking about the outcome for them, how they turn out in the end, I was shown by a vision that they are finally cast out from the societies of spirits, because they are finally exposed for what they are, and then they sit lonely, only in a society of lonely spirits. This society was portrayed to me in a vision as someone with a wide face, whose body did not appear, whose size and thickness was enough to equal about 4 or 5 faces of others, having a wide, shiny cap of reeds on his head. So they sat fixed in their place, no longer with others. Thus their state also becomes as portrayed, and so also they will appear to themselves, and no longer be in any active life.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2498

2498. While thinking concerning their departure [exit] [exitu] of what quality they become at last, it was shown me by (a vision that they are at last expelled from the societies of spirits, because they are at length discovered as to their character, and they then sit solitary only in the society of the solitary, which society was represented to me by a vision. [There were seen] as it were certain with a broad face, whose body did not appear, whose size and bigness was such as equaled about four or five faces of others, with a wide whitish hat of rushes [cum lato pileo canneo albescente] upon the head; thus they sat fixed in their place, nor any longer [associated] with others. Such also becomes their state as was represented; and so also will appear to themselves, and so no longer [be] in any active life.)

Experientiae Spirituales 2498 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2498. De exitu eorum cogitans, quales ii tandem fiunt, mihi ostensum est per visionem, quod tandem a societatibus spirituum expellantur, quia tandem deteguntur, quod tales sunt, et tunc solitarii sedent, solum in societate solitariorum, quae societas mihi per visionem repraesentabatur, sicut quidam lata facie, cujus corpus non apparebat, cujus magnitudo et crassitudo tanta 1

erat, ut aequaret circiter 4 vel 5 aliorum facies, cum lato pileo canneo albescente super caput, sic sedentes fixe in suo loco, nec amplius cum aliis--talis 2

quoque fit status eorum, sicut repraesentatus, sibimet quoque ita appariturus--nec 3

amplius sic in aliqua vita activa.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has crassa talis tanta

2. The Manuscript has aliis, talis

3. The Manuscript has appariturus, nec

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