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《灵界经历》 第2509节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2509

2509. They are also of such a nature in the other life that wherever they notice with others, or in some society (because societies communicate with one another), thus in the nearest societies, anything enjoyable, or happy, they strive with the greatest eagerness to claim it for themselves and, if they were able, to leave nothing whatever of enjoyment to others, as I have also been given to learn by experience. For this reason it was said that if such were to come into heavenly societies, they would try to snatch away from all and each their joy and happiness. So the likes of them cannot come into heaven. 1748, 3 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2509

2509. They also have such a nature in the other life that whenever they observe amongst several, or in any society (because societies communicate one with another), therefore in the next societies, anything pleasant or happy, they strive with the greatest pains to claim it; and if they were able, would never leave anything pleasant to others. This was also granted me to know from experience. Wherefore it was said, that if such should come into the celestial societies they would desire to snatch away from each and all their joy and felicity; wherefore such are not able to come into heaven. - 1748, July 3.

Experientiae Spirituales 2509 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2509. Talem quoque naturam habent in altera vita, ut ubicunque animadvertunt apud aliquos, aut in societate aliqua, (quia societates communicant una cum altera), sic in societatibus proximis, aliquid jucundum, aut felix, hoc summo studio nituntur, ut sibi arrogent, et si possent, nihil usquam jucundi, relinquentes aliis, quod ab experientia etiam scire mihi dabatur: quare dictum, si tales in societates coelestes venirent, quod omnibus et singulis cuperent eorum gaudium, et felicitatem praeripere, quare non possunt tales venire in coelum. 1748, 3 Julius 1



1. In the Manuscript Junius in Julius emendatum

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