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《灵界经历》 第2525节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2525

2525. What further concerns these thoughts, there are certain spirits and souls who do not have them, or understand them, because they are inside of the realm of their thoughts. On the other hand there are souls who notice at once when coming into the other life that such thinking also exists, and are able to separate it from the outer, or ordinary and conscious thought, and they are those who in life had been deceitful, as I learned well enough from experience, besides experiencing that the dragon also possesses the same.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2525

2525. What further concerns these thoughts there are certain spirits and souls who do not enjoy them, nor perceive them, because within the sphere of their thoughts: but there are souls, who as soon as they come into the other life notice that there is also such thought, and can separate it from external, or vulgar and apparent thought; and are those who in the life of the body have been crafty, as I have sufficiently learned from experience, besides [learning] from experience that the dragon also enjoys the same.

Experientiae Spirituales 2525 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2525. Quod porro ad has cogitationes pertinet, sunt quidam spiritus et animae, qui iis non gaudent, nec eas percipiunt, quia intra sphaeram eorum cogitationum; at sunt animae, quae illico dum in alteram vitam veniunt, animadvertunt, quod talis cogitatio quoque sit, et qui possint separare eam a cogitatione externa, seu vulgari et apparenti, et sunt ii in vita qui dolosi fuerunt, sicut ab experientia satis didici, praeter ab experientia quod draco eadem quoque gaudeat.

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