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《灵界经历》 第255节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 255

255. About the very inward Realm, and about Cherubs

When I was brought into thoughts about how the very inward and innermost angels influence human minds, and was reflecting that they do so in an imperceptible manner, being in the realm of the very beginning points of human thought, consequently in a like realm of mental imagery or depiction, which is imperceptible (such an imperceptibility must be the plane proper to thoughts) - while I was pondering on these matters, then I was given from the mercy of God the Messiah to sense a gentle kind of turning motion overhead, into which I later even seemed to be raised up, or which enfolded my thoughts. At the first sensation, when I was not yet in it, it was like the turning motion of a soft cloud settling down, and it was said that this can be called "the Cherubs," to whom "wheels" are ascribed [Ezekiel 1:9, 10] on account of that turning motion. After this, that field encompassed me, and I experienced a great calmness. The last heaven, in which I had been previously, was below me, and in fact, at my feet and below the feet. There I heard someone speaking, but as if out of the lowest place, complaining that I had been raised up away from them, and that therefore he did not want to live.

When I was later thinking about the very inward realm, which must as yet be called strictly "cherubic" and in which realm I am while writing these things, I am able to understand not only why wheels, but also why four faces, were ascribed to them [Ezekiel 1:10], i.e. "of a lion, of a man, of an eagle" - namely: "that of a lion," because of its strength [extending] into the lower realm, or last heaven, for it holds that in proper order, otherwise it would fall to pieces; "the face of a human," because the very inward person, to which this realm properly relates, is "human" - the kind of thought we have pertains merely to the inward person, which in turn is governed by the very inward realm [see 10:14], because then he understood that it was the cherub to whom three faces were being ascribed. 1747, the 20th day of November (old calendar).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 255


When I was led to the thought of how the more interior and inmost angels inflowed into human minds, and I was considering that they did so in a manner imperceptible, because they are in the sphere of the beginnings of human thoughts, consequently in a like sphere of imagination or representation, which is imperceptible, such a plane of thoughts necessarily being imperceptible - while these things were being turned over in my mind, I was by the mercy of God Messiah given to perceive above the head, a kind of soft volution into which I was afterwards raised, as it were, or which enveloped my thoughts. My first perception, when I was not as yet there, was as though there was the revolving of a soft cloud pressing downwards, and it was said that this can be called the Cherubim, and that from that revolving motion, wheels were attributed to them. 1Afterwards that sphere enveloped me. I was then in great tranquillity. The ultimate heaven in which I had been before, was beneath me, and indeed at my feet and under them. I heard someone speaking there, but as though from a very deep place. He was complaining that I had been taken away from them, and that thus he did not want to live. Afterwards when I was thinking about that more interior sphere, in which also I am writing these things (which is still most appropriately called a cherubic sphere), I could know, not only why "wheels" were attributed to the cherubim, but also why they had four faces, the face of a lion", "of a man", "of an eagle" [and "of an ox"] [Ezekiel i 10 ], namely, [of a "lion"] from its strength in the lower sphere, or ultimate heaven, for it holds that in its order, otherwise it would fall to pieces: "the face of a man", because the more interior man, to which this sphere properly answers, is man; the thought which we have is of the interior man only, which thought is thus governed by the more interior sphere. That there was "the face of an eagle" is because that cherubic sphere ascends high above the sphere in which is man's perception, or sensitivity of the understanding. "The face of an ox", is omitted; afterwards the "face of the cherub" is mentioned by Ezekiel in the first place for he then understood that it was the cherub, to which three faces were attributed. [Ezekiel x 14.] 1747, Nov. 20, o.s.


1. Crossed out: "and thus four faces were allotted to them by Ezekiel".

Experientiae Spirituales 255 (original Latin 1748-1764)

255. De Sphaera intimiori, et de Cherubis

Quum in cogitationes perducerer, quomodo angeli intimiores ac intimi influerent in mentes humanas, ac volverem, quod imperceptibili modo, quia in sphaera principiorum cogitationis humanae sunt, proinde in simili sphaera imaginationis, seu repraesentationis, quae imperceptibilis est tale 1

imperceptibile esse debet planum cogitationum-quum 2

ea volverentur, tunc 3

percipere ex Dei Messiae misericordia mihi 4

dabatur volutionem quandam mollem, super caput, in quam etiam postea quasi sublatus, seu quae cogitationes meas involvebat; prima perceptio, quando nondum ibi eram, fuit tanquam volutio nubis lenis incumbentis, ac dicebatur quod hoc dici potest Cherubi, et quod iis attribuantur "rotae" [Ezech. X: 9-10, 10] a volutione ista, postea ea sphaera involvebat me, tunc eram in multa tranquillitate, coelum ultimum, in quo prius fueram 5

, infra me erat, et quidem ad pedes et sub pedibus, ubi audiebam loquentem, sed tanquam ex loco infimo, [is] conquerebatur quod ab iis sublatus fuerim, et quod sic vivere non vellet; quum postea cogitaretur de intimiore sphaera, quae proprie cherubina adhuc vocanda, in qua etiam haec scribo, scire possum non solum cur rotae iis attribuerentur, sed etiam cur facies quatuor [Ezech. I: 10-], nempe "Leonis, hominis, aquilae": nempe ["leonis"] 6

a fortitudine in sphaeram inferiorem seu coelum ultimum continet enim id in suo ordine, aliter dilaberetur; "hominis facies," quia intimior homo, cui haec sphaera proprie respondet, est homo cogitatio 7

, quam habemus, est modo interioris hominis, quae sic regitur ab intimiori sphaera; quod "facies aquilae" quia alte ascendit super sphaeram, in qua hominis perceptio seu intellectus sensitivus; quod "bovis facies" sit omissum est [et] postea [X: [14] ab Ezechele nominatur "facies cherubi" in primo loco, quia tunc intelligebat quod esset cherubus, cui tres facies attribuerentur. 1747, die 20 Nov. st. v.


1. The Manuscript has est, tale

2. The Manuscript has cogitationum; quum

3. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition tum

4. The Manuscript has misericordia, mihi

5. The Manuscript has fuerum

6. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition [leonis]

7. The Manuscript has homo, cogitatio

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