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《灵界经历》 第2643节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2643

2643. This hell, namely the one occupying the region of the left heel, is increasing much at this day, for adulterers and the cruel are multiplying there today, or those who delight in adulteries and cruelty, and harbor such fantasies in that place. Indeed, very many also who in bodily life had appeared kind and gentle in human society, of whom people had never suspected such a thing, are there enjoying their fantasies so much, and preferring that pleasure beyond all pleasure. So the one loves to torture the other, even if it be their dearest friend.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2643

2643. (This heel, to wit, that which contains the region of the left heel, is at this day much increased, for at this day [their numbers] there are multiplied by adulterers and the cruel, or those who delight in adulteries and cruelty, and there have such phantasies. Yea [there are] very many), who in the life of the body appeared also in the society of men [to be] modest and tractable, of whom men never suspected such a thing, and who are in dignities, and there delight in these, their phantasies, and prefer that pleasantness to every pleasantness. Thus one loves to torture another [his] greatest friend [amicissimum].

Experientiae Spirituales 2643 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2643. Hoc infernum, nempe quod regionem calcanei sinistri tenet, hodie multum augescit, nam multiplicantur hodie ibi ab adulteris et crudelibus, seu qui in adulteriis et crudelitate oblectantur, et ibi tales phantasias habent; imo permulti, qui in vita corporis in societate hominum quoque apparuerunt modesti et mansueti, de quibus homines nusquam tale suspicati sunt, et qui in dignitatibus sunt, et ibi oblectant ita phantasias suas, et praeferunt jucunditatem istam prae omni jucunditate; ita amat unus alium torquere, tametsi amicissimum.

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