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《灵界经历》 第2649节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2649

2649. Now these things occurred in the same region where the heel of the left foot is, but because the heel that was bruised by the descendants of Jacob has been restored by the coming of the Lord into the world, therefore the whole body has been fully perfected, and the heel or region of the heel consists of those who have like imaginings by which the heavenly things of the Lord are portrayed, such as are meant by the candlestick and its seven lamps. 1Those who depict such objects as are written in the Word of the Lord, which are figurative of heaven or of the Lord, occupy that region, and gradually are raised up higher from the region of the heel through the left foot, and then into more sublime and more pleasant regions. 1748, 18 July.


1. The first half of this sentence is emphasized by the word obs. [=observe] written twice in the margin.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2649

2649. These things have now occurred in the same region where is the heel [calcaneus] of the left foot, but because the heel is restored, which [was] hurt by the children of Jacob, through the advent of the Lord into the world, therefore the whole body is still perfect, and the heel [calcaneus], or region of the heel, consists of those who rejoice in similar imaginings [imaginationibus], by whom are represented the celestial things of the Lord, as [for instance] by the candlestick and its seven lamps. They who represent such things for themselves as are written in the Lord's Word, which are types of heaven or the Lord, occupy [tenent] that region, and are by degrees lifted up higher from the region of the heel through the left foot, and thus into sublimer and pleasanter regions. - 1748, July 18.

Experientiae Spirituales 2649 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2649. Haec nunc facta in eadem regione, ubi calcaneus sinistri pedis, sed quia calcaneus restitutus est, qui a posteris Jacobi laesus, per adventum Domini in mundum, ideo totum corpus usque perfectum est, et calcaneus seu calcanei regio ex iis constat, qui imaginationibus similibus gaudent, quibus repraesentantur coelestia Domini, sicut per candelabrum et ejus septem lucernas. Qui sibi repraesentant talia, quae in Verbo Domini scripta sunt, quae sunt typi coeli aut Domini, ii regionem illam tenent, et sensim a calcanei regione per pedem sinistrum altius attolluntur, et sic in regiones sublimiores, et jucundiores. 1748, 18 Julius.

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