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《灵界经历》 第266节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 266

266. There is a group of spirits, some of whom are in a person's head, and some outside, and these interact

At times I have observed, when certain spirits were outside [of me] and also speaking with me, and when they were thus holding me captive so that I could not get away from them, which has happened to me several times, then at the same time they also had their auxiliary spirits or troops in the head, either within or outside the brain. It was granted me to observe this by manifest experience, for when those outside with whom I was speaking were cast down, then the ones in the head flowed out, and indeed with a sound like something going out, and being pushed out, through the ear. It was evident that there were many, from the fact that now and then ten, twenty, more or less, seemed to be drawn out in this way by those who were outside and with whom they were as if bound together in society.

It can also be inferred from this how a person is kept bound by an evil band of spirits, and that they are within as well as outside of the person, thus closing off the operation of angels. Nevertheless, the angels' operation slips in in a wonderful way like a more inward activity within an action, and so, the person is given to understand what is true and good, although with difficulty. 1747, the 24th day of November (old calendar).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 266


I have sometimes observed when certain spirits were outside and also speaking with me, and while they held me captive so that I could not be loosened from them, which sometimes happened to me, they then at the same time also had their auxiliary spirits or troops in my head, either within or outside the brain. It was granted me to observe this by manifest experience, for when those who were outside of me, and with whom I was speaking, were cast down, then those who were in the head flowed forth, and indeed, with a kind of sound as of someone going out and of an expulsion through the ear. Hence it was evident that there were many spirits there, and that sometimes ten, twenty, more or less, were as it were drawn forth in that manner by those who were outside, and with whom they were as if coagulated in society. From this it can also be concluded how man is held bound by the evil crowd of spirits, and that they are both within and outside him. Hence they shut out the operation of the angels, whose operation, nevertheless, is insinuated in a marvelous manner, like the more interior action in action; and so it is given man to understand what is true and good, but with difficulty. 1747, Nov. 24, o.s.

Experientiae Spirituales 266 (original Latin 1748-1764)

266. Quod sit societas spirituum, quorum quidam in hominis capite sunt, et quidam extra, quae correspondent

Aliquoties observavi, quum spiritus quidam foris essent, mecum quoque loquentes, quumque tenerent me captivum, sic ut ab iis non potui solvi, quod aliquoties mihi factum, tunc simul haberent suos auxiliares spiritus vel turmas etiam in capite, sive intra sive extra cerebrum; quod observare mihi concessum est per manifestam experientiam nam quando dejecti sunt ii qui foris erant, cum quibus loquebar, tunc ii qui in capite effluebant, et quidem per speciem soni cujusdam exeuntis, et expulsionis per aurem 1

, quodque plures essent inde constitit, quod quandoque 10. 20, plures paucioresque eo modo, ab iis qui extra erant, et cum quibus in societate 2

quasi coagulati, quasi extraherentur, exinde concludi quoque potest, quomodo homo tenetur vinctus a turba mala spirituum, et quod tam intus in homine quam extus sint, inde excludunt operationem angelorum, quorum tamen operatio insinuatur mirabiliter sicut actio intimior in actione, et sic datur homini intelligere quid verum et bonum, sed difficulter. 1747, die 24 Nov. st. v.


1. In the Manuscript in aure erronee in per aure emendatum

2. The Manuscript has societe

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