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《灵界经历》 第267节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 267

267. Spirits who are sent to a person on earth think they are the person to whom they come

Certain spirits, by ascending, came to me, saying that they had been with me from the beginning, thus that they were the ones who have spoken with me from the start. When I became indignant and rebuked them, because I did not recognize them, they finally admitted that they had just come for the first time, but that they put on, so to speak, everything of the person, so that they think they had been with him or her from the beginning.

It is amazing, but a spirit puts on in a moment a person's characteristics, knowledge, language, and the like, just as if he had possessed them from the beginning. About this subject I have conversed with spirits also from time to time. 1747, the 24th day of November (old calendar).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 267


Certain spirits, ascending, came to me today saying that they had been with me from the beginning, thus that they were those who had spoken with me from the first; at this I was indignant and scolded them, for I did not acknowledge it. They at length confessed that they had now first come, but that they put on as it were all things of the man to whom they come, so that they suppose that they have been with him from the beginning. It is marvelous that in a moment a spirit puts on the things which are of the man - his knowledges, his language and the like - just as though he had possessed them from the beginning; concerning these things I have also spoken with spirits on various occasions. 1747, Nov. 24, o.s.

Experientiae Spirituales 267 (original Latin 1748-1764)

267. Spiritus qui ad hominem mittuntur, putant se hominem esse, ad quem veniunt

Spiritus quidam hodie venerunt ad me ascendendo dicentes quod apud me fuerint a principio, ita quod ii essent, qui a primis loquuti mecum sint, quod cum indignatus, eos increpans, quia non agnoscebam, tandem fassi sunt, quod nunc primum venissent, sed quod induerent quasi omnia hominis, ut putarent se apud eum a principio fuisse; mirabile est, quod spiritus momento induat ea quae hominis sunt ejus scientifica, linguam, et similia, sicut ea possedisset a principio, de quibus etiam cum spiritibus passim loquutus sum. 1747, die 24 Nov. st. v.

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