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《灵界经历》 第2667节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2667

2667. Those who constitute the province of the auricle or external ear

There was a spirit speaking with me at my left auricle, more or less sticking to the outer side of the auricle, the back side of it where the auricle's lifting muscles are. And he said to me, obviously led by others to say it, that he was not listening to the words they were speaking, so he does not reflect on evil or goodness, scarcely hearing what they say. He only draws it in with his ears without attending to the subject, not caring at all whether it is evil or good, or how it concerns him. And when he was speaking, his sound came at times as if he were throwing up. As I have also heard at other times, it belched forth with a clear regurgitation of sound, so to speak - now and then, but not constantly. And he also said he speaks in this way, and does not know why it is.

I was told that those like this are the kind that do not pay attention, or pay very little to the meaning of a matter, only hearing, and not caring at all how it concerns them. This is their character and they constitute the outer side of the left auricle, or its province. 1748, 22 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2667


There was a spirit who spoke with me, at the left auricula: he as it were adhered to the external part of the auricula, to its rear part, and he said to me, being manifestly led by others to say so, that he paid no attention to those things which they speak, so that he does not reflect upon evil or good, or scarce perceives, what they say, only takes in [drinks in] with the ears, without attention, whatever it is, and (cares nothing whether it is evil or good, but [receives] whatever may happen to him [to hear]; and when he spoke, sometimes [passim] his sound was it were poured out [egurgitabatur] as also I have heard at other times; he belched out with a manifest egurgitation, as it were, of sound, sometimes but not continually): and he also said that he thus speaks, and does not know wherefore [he does] so. It was told me that (these are they) who are such, that they do not attend [at all], or very slightly to the sense of the matter [and] only hear, and care not at all, whatever [it may be which] happens to them [to hear]; that these are of such a nature, and constitute the external part of the left auricula, or the province thereof. - 1748, July 22.

Experientiae Spirituales 2667 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2667. Qui provinciam auriculae seu auris externae constituunt

Erat spiritus, qui loquebatur mecum, ad auriculam sinistram, sic ut externae parti auriculae quasi adhaereret, posteriori ejus parti, ubi musculi elevatores auriculae, et is mihi dicebat, manifeste ab aliis ductus ad dicendum ita, quod is nihil attenderet ad ea quae loquuntur, sic ut non reflectat super malum aut bonum, vix percipiat, quid dicant, modo hauriat auribus, absque attentione quid est, et quod nihil curet num malum vel bonum, seu 1

quid sibi contingat; et cum loquebatur, passim sonus ejus quasi egurgitabatur, sicut alioquin quoque audivi, eructavit, cum manifesta quasi egurgitatione soni, passim, sed non jugiter, et dixit quoque quod ita loquatur, nec sciat quare id; dictum mihi quod ii qui tales sint, ut non attendant, seu perparum ad sensum rei, modo audiant, nec quicquam curent, quid sibi contingant, quod ii tales sint, et partem auriculae sinistrae externam, seu eius provinciam constituant. 1748, 22 Julius.


1. The Manuscript has sed (vide mox infra; vel in indice ad Auris, Loqui, Reflectere)

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