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《灵界经历》 第268节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 268

268. Human souls are transferred into heavenly joy, to see the glory of God the Messiah

Today I witnessed two people I had known in life and with whom I had been speaking - after the conversation had turned to the subject of heavenly joy, and the fact that the delight of talking with a person after death was nothing compared to the joy in the heavens - transferred into the very inward heaven, into some habitation of it. From there they spoke with me, now as if from a higher place, while it was only from a more inward one. They testified that such joy is unspeakable, and that compared to it, earthly and worldly delights are nothing. 1747, the 24th day of November (old calendar).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 268


There were shown me today two whom I had known during their life, and with whom I conversed; the conversation was concerning heavenly joy, and that the delight of conversing with man after death, was nothing in comparison with the joy in the heavens. These two were then carried away into the more interior heaven, into a certain habitation there, and spoke with me from there then as if from on high; although it was only from the more interior heaven. And they testified that such joy is ineffable, and that terrestrial and worldly delights are nothing in comparison. 1747, Nov. 24, o.s.

Experientiae Spirituales 268 (original Latin 1748-1764)

268. Quod animae hominum transferantur in coeleste gaudium, ad videndum gloriam Dei Messiae

Hodie mihi ostensum est, quod bini, quos in vita cognovi, et cum quibus loquutus, postmodum, cum sermo factus de gaudio coelesti, et quod delectatio loquendi cum homine post mortem, nihili esset respectu gaudii in coelis, tunc translati sunt in intimius coelum, in aliquam ejus mansionem, et inde mecum loquuti, quasi tunc ex superiori, cum solum esset ex intimiori, et contestati, quod tale gaudium ineffabile sit, et respectu ejus delectationes terrestres et mundanae, nihili. 1747, die 24 Nov. st. v.

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