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《灵界经历》 第269节

(一滴水译本 2020--)



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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 269

269. About witchcraft, magical arts, fortune telling and the like - where they originated

1.) It has been shown me by experience that some of the spirits thought they could do anything in heaven and on earth, if only they were taught by symbolic displays involving divine matters, and brought these into practice, thinking they would have the same result as if they were divine. It is unnecessary to describe the displays themselves. [see 233.]

This is at first allowed for a number of reasons, especially because of ignorance, when such things are learned by those who in simplicity believe them to have a miraculous power. But afterwards they are corrupted by desires to practice them in the pursuit of profit and self-glory; then the goal immediately perishes, and they become like fallen leaves, or like shells without kernels, which drop of their own accord, and perish. All this was portrayed to me in a sequence, which it would take too long to describe. 1747, the 27th day of November.

2.) At this day, those who engage in such practices have been put down, and spirits of this kind are held in bonds. Several times, when somewhat loosed from these bonds, they wanted to persuade me to learn similar arts, but due to the mercy of God the Messiah, it was in vain, so they were returned to their bonds, where they must necessarily undergo a considerable change, through torments comparable to either fire or decay.

The Egyptian magicians were of this kind, because they distorted the symbolic depictions of the ancient Church and thereby practiced magical arts, probably countless in number - but all of which were like shells without the kernels, or leaves that fall off when the sap is gone, even though they may outwardly appear bright with varied colors for a short time.

Equivalent to such magical arts, therefore, are those qualities in which people seem to shine, such as their own good judgment, and the like, by which they imagine themselves to be in control of everything. Likewise, science and philosophy, by which people believe they control spiritual and heavenly matters, are like fortune telling and witchcraft. Therefore these are to be understood at the present day by witchcraft and the like, and by Egyptian wisdom, etc. 1747, the 27th day of November.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 269


It was shown me by experience that some of the spirits supposed that they could do all things in heaven and on earth, provided they have been taught from representations, which involve things Divine, how to translate them into practice, supposing that such things would produce the like effect as if they were Divine. There is no need to describe the representations themselves. This is at first permitted for many reasons, especially on account of ignorance. When such arts are learnt by those who believe in simplicity that such things have a miraculous power, but are afterwards perverted by cupidities, so that they exercise these arts for gain and self-interest, then the end at once perishes, and they become like falling leaves, or like shells without kernels which drop off of themselves, and perish. These things were represented to me by a certain series which would be much too long to describe. 1747, Nov. 27. Those who make use of such practices are at this day removed, and such spirits are held in bonds. Sometimes those who were loosed, as it were, desired to persuade me to learn similar things, but by the mercy of God Messiah, it was in vain. Wherefore, they were sent back to their bonds, where they cannot but undergo a marked change owing to torment, which may be likened either to fire or to corruption. Such were the Egyptian magicians, for they perverted the representations of the Ancient Church, and thence they practiced magical arts which could have been innumerable; but all these practices were like shells without kernels, or leaves which fall off when the sap is dried up, although outwardly they seem to flourish for a time. To such magical arts, therefore, are compared those things by which man seems to excel in power, such as his own prudence and the like, by which he supposes that he can rule the whole [world]. Similarly, the science and philosophy by which he supposes he can rule over spiritual and celestial things are like soothsayings and sorceries. Therefore, at this day such things are understood by sorceries and similar practices. They are also understood by Egyptian wisdom, and the like. 1747, Nov. 27. 1


1. This paragraph is thus entered in the Index (s.v. Magia): "Those who trust in their own prudence and who ascribe all things to it, and who by the sciences enter into the arcana of faith, are prone to such magic arts."

Experientiae Spirituales 269 (original Latin 1748-1764)

269. De praestigiis, magicis artibus, hariolis ac similibus, unde eorum origo

Per experientiam mihi ostensum est, quod aliqui spirituum putaverint se omnia posse in coelo et in terra, modo edocti ex repraesentationibus, quae divina involvunt, eas transferre in exercitium, putantes, quod ea similem effectum ederent, ac si divina essent, ipsas repraesentationes non opus est describere; hoc permittitur primum, ob causas plures, cumprimis ignorantiae, quando addiscuntur ab iis qui simpliciter credunt talia 1

vim miraculosam habere, sed postmodum pervertuntur a cupiditatibus, ut ea exerceant lucri suique studio, tunc illico finis perit, et fiunt instar foliorum caducorum, seu putaminum absque nucleis, quae sponte dilabuntur, et pereunt: haec mihi repraesentata sunt per seriem quandam, quam praelongum foret describere. 1747, die 27 Nov. Ii qui exercitia talium exercent, hodie sublati 2

sunt, et spiritus tales in vinculis tenentur; aliquoties quasi soluti me ad discenda similia, persuadere cupiebant, sed incassum, ex misericordia Dei Messiae, quare in sua vincula remissi, ubi non possunt non insignem mutationem, per cruciatus, subire, qui vel igni vel putredini assimilantur 3

. Tales fuerunt magiae aegyptiacae, quia perverterunt repraesentationes antiquae Ecclesiae, et inde exercebant magias, quae innumerabiles potuerunt esse, sed fuerunt omnia sicut putamina absque nucleis, ut folia succo absente, quae decidunt, tametsi florere aliquantisper externe videantur; talibus magiis comparantur itaque ea quibus praepollere videtur homo, sicut propria prudentia, et similia, quibus regere totum putet, similiter scientia 4

et philosophia, quibus regere spiritualia 5

et coelestia putat. sunt similia hariolis et praestigiis, quare ea hodie intelliguntur per praestigias et similia, tum per sapientiam aegyptiacam et similia. 1747, die 27 Nov.


1. The Manuscript has credunt, talia

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has sublata

3. The Manuscript has assimilatur

4. imperfectum in the Manuscript

5. The Manuscript has spirituali

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