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《灵界经历》 第2694节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2694

2694. It seems to symbolize the literal meaning of the Word, that he was toward the left, falsities, and afterwards toward the right, desires. Beyond that, I know nothing. 1748, 26 July, in the middle of the night between 26 and 27 July. That the literal meaning is to be treated with care can be inferred to some extent from the fact that many innocent beings regard it as holy and believe it. The same seems to be symbolized by the mourning of David over Absalom [2 Sam. 18:33]; but lest all of Israel withdraw from him, he was compelled by Joab to go out to the gate [2 Sam. 19:7-8].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2694

2694. It seems to signify the literal sense of the Word: that to the left [are] falsities that afterwards to the right [are] cupidities. I know nothing further. - 1748, July 26, in the middle of the night, between the 26th and 27th July. That the literal sense is to be cautiously handled [treated], may be somewhat inferred from these things, as many, who are innocent, put sanctity and believe there. The same seems to be signified by the mourning of David over Absalom, but lest all Israel should recede from him, he was compelled by Joab to go out at [to] the gate.

Experientiae Spirituales 2694 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2694. Videtur significare sensum literalem Verbi; quod ad sinistrum falsitates, quod postea ad dextrum cupiditates, praeterea nihil scio. 1748, 26 Julius media nocte, inter 26 et 27 Julius. Quod sensus literalis caute tractandus, ex iis potest aliquantum deduci, quod multi, qui innocentes sunt, in illo sanctitatem ponant, et [illi] credant; idem per luctum Davidis super Absalomum [II Sam. XVIII: 33] significari videtur; sed ne recederet omnis Israel ab eo, coactus est a Joabo exire ad portam [XIX: 7-[8].

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