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《灵界经历》 第271节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 271

271. The lower place of damnation is extremely cold, and their life at that time had been miserable

Those who had been in a certain lower place were many, who are so cold that they seem to themselves obliged to acquire heat through labor, and the cutting of wood; for this kind of fantasy stays with them, and they do not know but that it is real, supposing that this work will make them not only warm, but also deserving of salvation. The cold is comparable to cold in the teeth.

Now these are the ones who are represented by the wood-cutters [Deut. 29:11, Josh. 9:23-27]. Who they are that are being held in such an extremely cold prison, may be concluded from [the nature of] their loves in the life of the body, namely, that they had then been cold, not instructed at an early age in any true love, but only enticed by bodily pleasures contrary to true love. So perhaps one may infer that they had come more from the crowd of gentiles, but on this I am not so well informed. These people were exceedingly glad to come into the day, and to see the light, which also shows that they had been in darkness. No one can describe how miserable these crowds are. 1747, the 28th day of November.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 271


Those who were in a certain lower place were very numerous. They are in such cold that they seem to need to acquire warmth to themselves by labor, and by cutting wood, for such a phantasy remains with them, nor do they know otherwise; and they suppose that by that labor they not only become warm but also merit salvation. This cold is compared to a chattering of the teeth. These are they who are also represented by the hewers of wood [Josh. ix 23-27. Who those are that are held in such an exceeding cold prison may be concluded from their loves in the life of the body; namely, that they had been cold then, having been imbued with no true love, but enticed only by the pleasures of the body which are contrary to true love, so that it is allowable to infer that they were rather from the group of gentiles concerning which matter I have not been so informed. They were exceedingly joyful that they would be coming forth into day and would behold the light. Hence also it can be known that they had been in darkness. No one can describe how miserable these crowds were. 1747, Nov. 28. 1


1. Crossed out: "That there are many mansions even in hell." "That they rise up, or it is rather to be said, are elevated by God Messiah."

Experientiae Spirituales 271 (original Latin 1748-1764)

271. Quod locus inferior damnationis frigidissimus sit, et quod miserabilis 1

eorum vita tunc fuerit

Illi qui in inferiori quodam loco fuerunt, fuerunt multi, qui in tali frigore sunt, ut videantur sibi calorem acquirere debere per laborem, et ligni sectiones; nam talis phantasia remanet, nec sciunt aliter, et putant non solum per laborem istum calefieri, sed etiam mereri salutem, frigus hoc comparatur frigori dentium; suntque ii, qui quoque repraesentantur per sectores lignorum [Deut. XXIX: 11, Jos. IX: 23-27]: quinam in frigidissimo tali carcere tenentur, concludere licet ab amoribus eorum in vita corporis, quod nempe tunc frigidi fuerint, nullo vero amore imbuti, sed modo corporis voluptatibus, quae sunt contrariae vero amori, inescati; ita quod fuerint ex gentium potius turba, inducere licet, de qua re non ita informatus sum, hi maxime laetati, quod in diem venirent, et lucem conspicerent, inde etiam sciri potest, quod in tenebris fuissent; quam miserabiles hae turbae sint, nemo describere potest. 1747, die 28 Nov.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has mirabilis

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