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《灵界经历》 第270节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 270

270. The environments where souls are after death interact with the parts and members of the human body

From actual and quite sensate experience, I have learned that the auras, as they are called [262], where human souls abide after the death of the body, interrelate entirely with the human members; specifically, the heavenly domain with a person's head, but the lower ones with the loins, and the lowest with the feet. For this reason, when I was let down once again into the lower place without the angelic column around me [228], then it was granted me to perceive sensorially that the lower place, where there were souls, corresponded to the feet, so that the lowest place must correspond to the soles of the feet, or to the region under the soles - which, however, I was unable to perceive because I was not let down that deeply.

But also by the Mercy of God the Messiah, it was granted me to feel that the souls were emerging from the lower places and thus coming into the last heaven (in the lower place I spoke with them, also when they were rising up), and that they also gave expression to their gladness at being delivered from their bonds, and from the pit. 1747, the 28th day of November.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 270


From living and very sensible experience I have learnt that the so-called spheres where human souls dwell after the death of the body, correspond entirely to the members of the human body; namely, celestial spheres correspond to the head of man, the lower spheres to the loins, and the lowest to the feet. Therefore, when I was again let down into the lower place without the angelic column around me [see n. 228, it was then granted me to perceive sensibly that the lower place where the souls were corresponded to the feet; thus the lowest place must correspond to the soles of the feet, or to the region beneath the soles of the feet, although I could not perceive this, because I was not let down so deeply. Yet by the mercy of God Messiah, it was granted me to feel that they were emerging from the lower places, and thus coming into the ultimate heaven. I spoke with them in the lower place, also at the time that they were rising; and they also testified their gladness that they were released from their bonds and from the pit. 1747, Nov. 28.

Experientiae Spirituales 270 (original Latin 1748-1764)

270. Quod sphaerae ubi sunt animae post mortem correspondeant partibus et membris corporis humani

Ab experientia viva et admodum sensibili edoctus sum, quod sphaerae ita dictae, ubi versantur animae humanae post mortem corporis correspondeant prorsus membris humanis, quod nempe sphaerae coelestes capiti hominis, inferiores vero lumbis, et infimae pedibus, quare cum iterum absque columna angelica circum me [228], demissus sum in locum inferiorem, tunc sensum percipere mihi concedebatur, quod inferior locus, ubi erant animae, corresponderet 1

pedibus, ita infimus locus, correspondere debet plantis seu sub plantis, quod tamen non percipere potui, quia non tam profunde demissus, imo etiam ex Misericordia Dei Messiae, sentire mihi concedebatur, quod ex inferioribus locis emergerent et sic venirent in coelum ultimum in 2

loco inferiori cum iis locutus sum, simul etiam cum surgerent et 3

quod laetitiam suam quoque contestati sint, quod a vinculis et fovea exsoluti sint. 1747, die 28 Nov.


1. The Manuscript has correspoderet

2. The Manuscript has ultimum, in

3. The Manuscript has surgerent, et

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