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《灵界经历》 第2750节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2750

2750. It is such who must be called inward deceptions (trulldom 1), for they operate inwardly, and their arts are not so obvious to spirits. Moreover, there are those who practice more crude deceptions, and they are like foolish people, mixing together whatever comes their way, be it material, earthly, spiritual, and imagine this concoction to contain some great power to accomplish whatever they want. These are in a kind of dream, not knowing what they are doing, and the kind that dwell in an outhouse.


1. Swedish for "witchcraft."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2750

2750. Such are [those] who are to be denominated interior sorcerers [trulldom]; for they act interiorly, and their arts are not so patent to spirits. Moreover there are given [those] who practice grosser sorceries: they are like foolish [persons]: they commingle whatever is visible [obvium] mutual, natural, spiritual, and suppose that in them is great power [vim] of doing [to do] whatever they desire. Such are in a sort of dream, and do not know what they are doing, and such are [those] who dwell in a privy.

Experientiae Spirituales 2750 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2750. Tales sunt, qui nominandi interiores praestigiae (trulldom {a}) nam interius agunt, et quorum artes non ita 1

patent spiritibus; praeterea dantur, qui exercent 2

praestigias crassiores, suntque sicut fatui, commiscent quicquid usquam obvium est, materiale, naturale, spirituale, et iis putant inesse vim magnam faciendi quicquid cupiunt; tales sunt in quodam somnio, nec sciunt quid faciunt, et tales sunt qui in latrina habitant.


1. The Manuscript has ita ita

2. The Manuscript has excercent

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