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《灵界经历》 第277节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 277

277. A turbulent sea with great waves was seen

When by the mercy of God the Messiah I was being conducted through several habitations of the inward heaven, 1it was also granted me to see, not nearby, a great sea, swelling with huge breakers that dashed against some unseen shore.

It was told that such are the fantasies of those who want to be great in the world and to innovate all things, and in this way acquire glory for themselves.

Thus it is the swelling of their mind that produces this kind of a fantasy. 1747, the 29th day of November. [Cf. 243.]


1. See 262, footnote 3.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 277


When by the mercy of God Messiah I was led through some habitations of the interior heaven, it was also granted me to view, though not near at hand, a certain great sea, tumultuous with great waves which dashed against a certain boundary that I did not see. It was said that those have such phantasies who want to be great in the world, and to change all things into something new, and thereby acquire glory to themselves; thus it is the elation of the animus with them that produces such a phantasy. 1747, Nov. 29.

Experientiae Spirituales 277 (original Latin 1748-1764)

277. Quod mare tumultuans cum fluctibus magnis, visum

Quando ex misericordia Dei Messiae perducerer per mansiones aliquas interioris coeli, etiam spectare mihi concedebatur non prope, mare quoddam grande, tumultuans cum magnis fluctibus, qui appellebant ad quendam limitem non mihi visum, dicebatur, quod ii tales phantasias habent, qui magni in orbe volunt esse, et omnia permutare in nova, ac inde sibi gloriam comparare, ita est elatio animi apud eos, quae talem phantasiam producit. 1747, die 29 Nov.

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