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《灵界经历》 第278节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 278

278. The arrangement of the habitations

It was also granted me to reflect on the arrangement or situation of the habitations of the inward heaven, 1and it struck me that there was a precise order, so that they formed a figure by which the one habitation faced and enclosed the other, but which I was unable to understand. For from above, I also heard spirits speaking whom I thought to be among the lower ones. So their situation is not determined by height alone, but also by some incomprehensible arrangement.

The arrangement of the glands in the brain would seem to be able to cast some light on this matter, if investigated; for in the individual human being are such things as interrelate, both as to situation and as to arrangement, with those in the universal human being. 1747, the 29th day of November.


1. See 262, footnote 3.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 278


It was also granted me to think concerning the order or situation of the habitations of the interior heaven; and it occurred to me that the order was fittingly arranged, so that they might constitute a form in which the one would regard and include the other. I could not understand this, however, for I also heard those speaking from a higher place who, I supposed, were among the lower spirits, so that their situation is not according to height alone, but also according to a kind of imperceptible order. 1The order of the glands of the brain seems able to afford some light on these habitations, if their order were explored; for in an individual man there are such things as correspond to those which are in the universe, even as to situation and order. 1747, Nov. 29.


1. The MS. has orbem (globe, circuit), but this seems to be a slip for ordinem (order).

Experientiae Spirituales 278 (original Latin 1748-1764)

278. Ordo mansionum

Cogitare etiam mihi concedebatur de ordine seu situ mansionum interioris coeli, et obveniebat, quod concinnus ordo esset, ita ut formarent formam, qua una spectaret, concluderetque alteram, sed quam intelligere non potui, nam e superiori etiam audiebam loquentes, quos 1

arbitrarer esse inter inferiores, ita ut situs eorum, non sit secundum altitudinem solam, sed etiam secundum orbem 2

quendam non perceptibilem; glandularum cerebri ordo videtur aliqualem lucem in his praebere posse, si ordo earum exploratus foret, nam in homine singulo sunt talia, etiam quoad situs et ordinem, quae correspondent iis in universo. 1747, die 29 Nov.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has qui

2. forte legendum ordiem pro ordinem

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