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《灵界经历》 第2775节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2775

2775. In the other life, when they are let back into a state like that of their life in the world, they talk together exactly as before, in the same way, with the same spirit, speaking differently than they are thinking. Those talking together are not at all aware at the time that they are in the other life, as I saw from experience today and previously [2760-2761].

Spirits of the inward realm then observe plainly how their thoughts disagree with their speaking, and thereby draw conclusions as to their character, each according to their own nature. They are admitting now, as they have very often before, that at such times they do not at all realize they are not in bodily life, and they do not know that others are watching how their thoughts, which are plainly in the open, disagree [with their speaking]. 1748, 9 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2775

2775. In the other life, when they are remitted into a state similar to their life in the body, they talk together very similarly and in a similar manner, with a similar mind, speaking otherwise than they think. They who talk together are then entirely ignorant that they are in the other life, as today and previously I have perceived from experience. Spirits of the interior sphere then observe plainly, how [their] thoughts disagree with [their] speech, and hence conclude, each according to his nature, what quality they are. They now confess, as [they have] very often before, that they then by no means know other than that are in the life of the body, and are ignorant that others observe how their thoughts, which are plainly apparent, disagree. - 1748, August 9.

Experientiae Spirituales 2775 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2775. In altera vita, cum remittuntur in statum similem vitae corporis eorum, confabulantur prorsus similiter, et simili modo, simili animo, aliter loquendo quam cogitando, ii qui confabulantur, tunc prorsus nesciunt, quod in altera vita sint; sicut hodie et prius [2760-2761] ab experientia percepi: spiritus interioris sphaerae, observant tunc manifeste, quomodo cogitationes dissident a loquela, et inde concludunt, quisque secundum suam naturam, quales sunt: fatentur nunc, sicut saepissime prius, quod nequaquam sciant aliter tunc, quam quod in vita corporis sint, nesciuntque quod alii observent cogitata eorum, quae manifeste patent, quomodo dissident. 1748, 9 Aug.

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