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《灵界经历》 第279节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 279

279. Why the heavenly field, vortices and habitations correspond to the parts of a human being

The reason why the parts of a human being interact with the heavens and its habitations, and lower things are felt under the feet - and in fact as coldness, according to the experiences adduced previously [271] - is that God the Messiah, as Human, fills the universe, so that the things in the universe interact with Him. Therefore Heaven is God the Messiah Himself, because He is all in all things, and thus the heavenly field, vortices and habitations correspond to Him and His parts. 1747, the 29th day of November. Otherwise, Heaven and the universe could not go on.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 279


That the parts of man correspond to the heavens and their habitations and that the lower things are felt beneath the feet and indeed felt as cold things, according to the experience adduced above [n. 271, is because God Messiah, as a Man, infills the universe, and thus the things which are in the universe correspond to Him: wherefore Heaven is God Messiah Himself, because He is the all in all, and thus the heavenly sphere, vortices, and habitations correspond to Him and to His Members. 1747, Nov. 29: otherwise heaven and the universe could by no means subsist.

Experientiae Spirituales 279 (original Latin 1748-1764)

279. Quare sphaera, vortices seu mansiones coelestes correspondeant partibus hominis

Quod partes hominis correspondeant coelis et ejus mansionibus, ac inferiora sub pedibus sentiantur, et quidem ut frigora, secundum experientias prius allatas [271], in causa est, quia Deus Messias, ut Homo, impleat universum sic Ipsi correspondeant ea quae in universo, quare Coelum est Ipse 1

Deus Messias, quia omne in omnibus, et sic coelestis sphaera, vortices ac mansiones Ipsi et Ipsius membris correspondent, 1747, die 29 Nov.-alioquin 2

Coelum ac universum subsistere nequit.


1. In the Manuscript Ipsum in Ipse emendatum

2. The Manuscript has Nov: alioquin

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