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《灵界经历》 第2783节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2783

2783. About Love of the neighbor

I was prompted to say to a spirit, and by a spiritual mental image I saw, that one ought to love the good that is in a person, and thus the person because of goodness, which is the neighbor, for good is the Lord's, thus love whatever there is of faith with anyone, thus any person who has faith. For in this way one loves the Lord, since there is nothing of goodness or anything of faith, that is not the Lord's, so through the neighbor also the Lord is loved. Even though love is the Lord's, still it is sufficient if one does not know differently and [thinks] the love is from oneself. 1748, 10 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2783


It was granted to say to a spirit, and I perceived in spiritual idea that he ought to love the good, which [is] in [penes] man, thus [to love] the man: which [good] is the neighbor. For good is of the Lord, therefore [he ought to love] whatever of faith is in anyone, thus him who is in faith; for thus he loves the Lord. Because there is nothing of good, nor anything of faith, which is not of the Lord; thus also the Lord is loved through the neighbor. Although love is of the Lord, yet it is sufficient that he knows no other than that love is of himself. - 1748, August 10.

Experientiae Spirituales 2783 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2783. De Amore proximi

Dicere dabatur ad spiritum, et idea spirituali percepi, quod amare debeat bonum quod penes hominem, ita hominem [ex bono], quod est proximum, nam bonum est Domini, sic quicquid est fidei apud aliquem, sic eum qui est in fide, nam sic amat Dominum, nam nihil boni, vel quicquam fidei est, quod non est Domini, ita quoque per proximum amatur Dominus; tametsi amor est Domini, usque satis est quod nihil aliter sciat, quam quod amor sit ex se. 1748, 10 Aug.

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