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《灵界经历》 第2784节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2784

2784. All objects that meet the eye, even if they are thousands, and extremely diverse, are nevertheless reduced by the

Lord into a series, and into some relevance

Today I was shown, as once before [329], that the objects of the eyesight in the streets were reduced into a cohering series of matters by the Lord in front of good spirits and angels. The objects were extremely diverse, and very many, and I was told that they saw nothing of them, and yet there rose up to them therefrom some coherent meaning, and in fact, by the route that symbolic things of the world follow to arrive at spiritual matters.

When I wondered at this, I was told that no object can exist that is not able to contain something that can be applied by the Lord to a matter at hand. And this is done by the removal of those properties in the object, or in many objects, that portray something else. Thus by nearer or farther routes it is the doing of the Lord Alone to connect the subjects.

For example, goodness can be portrayed by anything fat, anything sweet, anything pleasant in relation to the objects, partially, specifically, and generally. In fact, even from things that are sad, and evil, pleasant and good elements can be extracted.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2784


This day it was shown me, as once previously, that the objects of the eye, in the streets, are reduced into a continuous series by the Lord, before good spirits and angels: the objects were most diverse, and very numerous: and I was told that they saw nothing of them, but that still, a certain sense [thereof] continually came up thence to them, yea through a way to spiritual things which the representatives of the world have. When I wondered at this, I was told, that no object can be given, which does not have something, which may thus be applied by the Lord to the matter in hand, yea by the removal of the things, in the object, or in several objects: which represent something else, thus through nearer and more remote ways. It belongs to the Lord alone thus to apply things, as for example, good can be represented by everything which is fat, sweet, [or] pleasant [by] whatever is about objects, in part, species, and general; yea, pleasant and good [things] can be drawn from those [things] which are sad evil.

Experientiae Spirituales 2784 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2784. Quod omnia objecta oculi, si millia sint, et diversissima, usque a Domino, in seriem reducuntur, et in quandam rem continuam

Hodie mihi ostensum, ut semel prius [329], quod objecta oculi, in plateis, reducta sint in seriem continuam rerum a Domino, coram spiritibus bonis angelis; diversissima erant objecta permulta dicebatur mihi, quod nihil eorum viderint, sed usque quod sensus quidam continuus inde eos subibat quidem per viam, quam habent repraesentativa mundi, res spirituales; quod cum miratus sum, mihi dictum, quod nullum objectum dari queat, quod non [tale,] ut aliquid habeat, quod rem in praesenti ita a Domino applicari possit quidem per remotionem eorum, in objecto, vel in pluribus objectis, quae aliud repraesentant, ita per viam proximiorem remotiorem, quod Solius Domini est ita applicare res, sicut pro exemplo bonum repraesentari potest, per omne quod pingue, quod dulce, quod jucundum, quae circa objecta, in parte, specie communi, imo quoque ex iis quae tristia sunt mala, educi possunt jucunda bona.

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