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《灵界经历》 第2785节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2785

2785. Certain spirits therefore supposed that the Word of the Lord is no different than other writing, and that thus from all writings series of subjects can likewise be extracted at pleasure, which is true. But the Word of the Lord is of such a nature that it contains most closely elements having a meaning within them, as the nearest vessels, which I was also allowed to learn from the fact that it immediately appears to those who are enlightened by the Lord whether they are Divine and therefore contain spiritual things, and these heavenly ones, like vessels, which is never the case with other writings. 1748, 10 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2785

2785. Certain spirits hence supposed that the Lord's Word, therefore, is nothing more than [any] other writing, and that thus series of things may be similarly drawn forth at pleasure from all writings; which is true: But the Lord's Word is of such a nature that it proximately contains the things, wherein the sense is, as in proximate vessels. This was also granted to know from this, that it immediately appears to those who are illuminated by the Lord, whether [these things] are Divine, and thus contain as vessels, these spiritual and celestial [things], which is never the case in other writings. - 1748, August 10.

Experientiae Spirituales 2785 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2785. Quidam spiritus inde putabant, quod Verbum Domini ita non sit aliter quam aliud scriptum, et quod sic ex omnibus scriptis similiter possint series rerum ex beneplacito educi, quod est verum, sed Verbum Domini est tale ut proxime contineat ea, quibus sensus inest, ut vasis proximis, quod quoque nosse datum est ex eo, quod illico appareat iis, qui illuminantur a Domino, num Divina sint, et contineant sic spiritualia et haec coelestia, ut vasa, quod nusquam est in aliis scriptis. 1748, 10 Aug.

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