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《灵界经历》 第280节

(一滴水译本 2020--)



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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 280

280. The habitation of many, where they think they are building cities and giving them away free

Early in the morning I was guided into one habitation of the inward heaven 1where imagery of a manifold variety prevails, and, in fact, to those spoken of before [274] who had been raised up into a higher habitation. Here they now seem to themselves to build cities, and to give them to others, and even to hide something secret in the city which they want no one to discover, lest it be done violence.

There is a kind of innocence about them, and for this reason they are even protected by little children. I stayed with them for a long time, and I could not but love their life, [which was] similar to a sweet sleep. 1747, the 30th day of November. They are all childlike, and do not know anything of evil, being also in a state of ignorance.


1. See 262, footnote 3.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 280


This morning I was conducted into one of the habitations of the interior heaven where imaginations reign with manifold variety, and indeed to those of whom it was before said [n. 274 that they were elevated into a superior habitation, where they now seem to build cities and to give them to others: and in the city they seem to hide something secret which they do not wish to be discovered by anyone, lest it should be violated. There is a kind of innocence with them, for which reasons they are protected by infants. I remained with them a long time, and I could not but love their life, which was like a sweet sleep. 1747, Nov. 30. They are all infantile, nor do they know anything whatever of evil. They are also in a state of ignorance.

Experientiae Spirituales 280 (original Latin 1748-1764)

280. Mansio plurium. ubi civitates aedificare se putant, donantque gratis

Perductus eram mane in unam mansionum interioris coeli, ubi imaginationes cum multiplici varietate regnant, et quidem ad eos, de quibus prius [274], quod elevati in superiorem mansionem erant, in qua nunc [sibi videntur] civitates aedificare aliis donare quidem in civitates aliquid arcanum recondere, quod a nemine vellent, ut detegeretur, ne violaretur; est species innocentiae apud eos, quare etiam ab infantibus tutantur; cum iis diu mansi vitam eorum, dulci somno similem, non potui non amare. 1747, die 30 Nov. Sunt omnes ii infantiles, nec mali quicquam sciunt, in ignorantiae etiam statu sunt.

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