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《灵界经历》 第281节

(一滴水译本 2020--)



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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 281

281. About my conversation with Abraham, Jacob, the Apostles, and many more of the ancient time

For many weeks I was in conversation with the Apostles, with Abraham, with Jacob, Moses, Aaron, Sarah the wife of Abraham, Leah, Rachel. At the time, I could believe no differently than that I had been speaking with them; but afterwards, being taught by experience, I was able to deduce that they were spirits who impersonated them in the inward heaven, and even believed they must be the same people.

For the angels in the very inward heaven can speak with people on earth through spirits of the inward heaven - thus this is done indirectly - but these spirits impersonate them, and are able in so doing to show what those [angels] had been like in the first period after the death of the body. It is different when they appear to a person in the very inward heaven, 1[thus directly,] which is done by a lofty portrayal. 1747, the 1st day of December. 2

These things came today into my thought, but whether this is the way these matters really stand, I am unable to find out as yet for certain.


1. See 262, footnote 3.

2. The manuscript has "die 31 Nov."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 281


For many weeks I have been in conversation with the Apostles, with Abraham, with Jacob, Moses, Aaron, Sarah, the wife of Abraham, Leah and Rachel, at which time I could believe no otherwise than that I had been conversing with those persons: but afterwards, having been taught by experience, I could deduce that they were those who assumed the place of these persons in the interior heaven and also believed that they were those same persons. For the angels of the more interior heaven are able to speak with men by means of spirits of the interior heaven, thus this is effected mediately. But these spirits assume the place of those persons, and thus at the same time can show of what quality they had been at first after the death of the body. It is otherwise when the same spirits appear to man in the more interior heaven, which is effected by a sublime representation. 1747, Nov. 31. 1

These things came into my thought today, but whether the case with these spirits is as stated, I cannot as yet know for certain. 2


1. Perhaps a slip for Dec. 1.

2. This subject is also presented in WE 5593.

Experientiae Spirituales 281 (original Latin 1748-1764)

281. De sermone meo cum Abrahamo, Jacobo, Apostolis et pluribus antiqui temporis

Per plures septimanas in sermone fui cum Apostolis,cum Abrahamo, cum Jacobo, Mose, Aharone, Sarah uxore Abrahami, Lea, Rachele; tunc non aliud credere potui, quam quod cum iis colloquutus fuerim, sed postea ab experientia edoctus, potui deducere, quod essent ii, qui vicem eorum sustinerent in interiori coelo, et crediderunt etiam se eosdem fore, nam angeli in intimiori coelo per spiritus interioris coeli loqui possunt cum hominibus ita 1

fit hoc mediate sed 2

spiritus isti sustinent vicem eorum, et simul sic ostendere possunt, quales fuerint tempore primo post mortem corporis; aliter dum iidem homini apparent in coelo intimiori, quod fit per repraesentationem sublimem. 1747, die 31, 3

Nov. Haec in cogitationem meam hodie venerunt, num autem res se ita cum iis habeat, nondum pro certo scire possum.


1. The Manuscript has hominibus, ita

2. The Manuscript has mediate, sed

3. sic manuscript

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