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《灵界经历》 第2820节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2820

2820. Those above the head had a like passion. They said they could not be together with them because they want to rob them of their possessions and rule over them. So they remove them from themselves to all different places, where they wander, and this is the reason why such spirits are wandering hither and thither in the world of spirits.

Those overhead in a direct line above the right foot did not seem to me to be so evil as to want to rob others of their goods, but they do strive ardently to rule over others and over those having the same disposition as themselves, namely, of wanting to rule and at the same time take away the goods and dignities of others, using cunning tricks as means to subdue those who do not want to submit themselves. So they do not want to associate with them, but remove them from themselves, and send them out hither and thither, so to speak, to obtain their goal, which is to rule. It is these who are high overhead, most of them being about that business. 1748, 14 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2820

2820. They who were of a like cupidity above the head said that with them they cannot be together because they wish to snatch away from them their goods and to command [them]: wherefore they remove them from themselves to every place else, where they wander, and this is the reason that such wander hither and thither in the world of spirits. Those who were above the head in a right line as to the right foot did not seem to me so evil as to wish to snatch away others' goods, but they aim with ardor to command others and such as are of similar genius, to wit, wish to command and at the same time to snatch away the goods and honors of others by craftiness and artifices [which] they employ as means to subjugate those who do not wish to submit themselves. Wherefore they do not wish to associate with these, but remove them from themselves and send them away, as it were, hither and thither, that they may obtain their end, which is to command many of those who are high above the head are attentive to the matter. - 1748, August 14.

Experientiae Spirituales 2820 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2820. Qui supra caput similis cupiditatis erant, dicebant quod non apud eos possint simul esse, quia vvlunt diripere eis 1

, eorum bona, et imperare, quare removent eos a semet ad omnia loca alia, ubi vagantur, et haec causa, quod tales vagentur huc illuc in mundo spirituum; qui supra caput in linea recta supra pedem dextrum, mihi non ita mali visi sunt, quod aliorum bona diripere velint, sed student ardenter imperare aliis, et talibus qui similis genii sunt, nempe quod imperare velint, et simul diripere aliorum bona et honores astu et artificiis, [quibus] 2

utuntur ut mediis, ut subjugent eos, qui se non submittere volunt, quare cum iis conversari non volunt, sed a se removent, et huc illuc quasi emittunt, ut obtineant finem, qui est imperandi; sunt ii qui alte supra caput, plerique attenti ad rem. 1748, 14 Aug.


1. The Manuscript has eos

2. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

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