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《灵界经历》 第2821节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2821

2821. About a certain dream, and a vision when I awoke

In a dream my father in bodily life appeared to me, and in the dream I was speaking, saying that a son need not recognize his father as father after he has come into his own rights. When he is being brought up by him and so is in his home, then he should recognize the father as father, because he is in the Lord's place, and the son does not know what he must do except through the education and guidance of his father. But when he leaves his father's house and comes into his own rights, so as to be able to guide himself through his own mind and find out what he must do, then his Father is the Lord.

These words I spoke in a dream, and I awoke and then saw coming down toward me a long, round roll that spread out from heaven in its full length, made of long sticks put together around each other lengthwise, bound together by most beautiful braids variously colored. The colors by which they were woven together

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2821


In a dream appeared to me my father in the life of the body, and in the dream I spoke [to the effect] that a son need not recognize his father for father after he has become his own master [sui juris]. While being educated by him therefore in his house, then [his father] should be recognized as father because he is then in place of the Lord: nor does the son then know what to do save from the information and guidance [manuductione] [given him by] the father. But when he goes forth from his [father's] house and becomes his own master so as to be able to guide himself from his own mind and know what to do, then the Lord is his father. These things I spoke in a dream, and I awoke: and then there seemed to me a long roll [that was] round, which stretched [perrexit] lengthwise [longitudine] from heaven. [It was] formed of long sticks [arranged] about each other in the circumference, lengthwise [secudum longitudinem], and bound together by most beautiful textures of various colors: the colors were bright blue,

Experientiae Spirituales 2821 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2821. De somnio quodam, et visione dum evigilatus

In somnio apparebat mihi pater meus in vita corporis, et in somnio loquebar, quod filius non agnoscere debeat patrem suum pro patre, postquam is sui juris factus; quando ab eo educatur, sic in domo ejus est, tunc agnoscendus pro patre, quia loco Domini est, nec novit tunc filius quid aget, nisi ex informatione et manuductione patris, at dum ab ejus domo exit, et fit sui juris, ut semet possit ex sua mente manuducere 1

, et scire quid faciet 2

, tunc Pater ejus est Dominus; haec loquutus in somnio, et evigilatus, et videbatur tunc descendere versus me volumen longum rotundum, quod a coelo perrexit longitudine, conformatum a baculis longis circiter se in circumferentia secundum longitudinem, colligatis per pulcherrrimas texturas coloratas varie, colores

(2822.) candidi coerulei erant, quibus intertextum, earum pulchritudo 3

non describi, nec delineari potest, nam talia sunt ea quae coeli, quae reppaesentantur, ut non possint describi nec delineari, et mihi dicebatur, quod angeli talia dona accipiant, cum placent Domino: mihi perceptum quod talia ab intimiori coelo ad angelos interioris coeli demittantur, et quod tales sint repraesentationes in coelo, quae intelliguntur, nam nihil quicquam in tali fascia coelesti est, quod non aliquid significat, sic simul percipiunt, sicut dum delineatum coram oculis, quid significant, ita innumera uno oculi ictu, quae verbis enuntiari nusquam possunt. 1748, 14 Aug.


1. The Manuscript has manudicere

2. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition faciat

3. The Manuscript has quo intertextum earum, pulchritudo

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