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《灵界经历》 第2819节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2819

2819. When they were below the right foot in filth and excrement, which they seem to themselves to be carrying off, I observed that they still had those like themselves above the head interacting with them, and when they were in the occipital cavity [2812], they also had those high above the head interacting with them. These revealed themselves, and I afterwards spoke with them, saying that they are working together with them. So those high above the head, directly in line with the right foot, are of the same nature. That is their dwelling when they are in the world of spirits. 1748, 14 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2819

2819. I have observed when such were below the right foot in filthy and excrementitious [things] which they seemed to themselves to carry, that they still had similars to themselves high above the head who corresponded, and when they were in the cavity of the occiput that they also had high above the head those corresponding to themselves who manifested themselves and with whom I afterwards spoke. They said that they who are high above the head, in a right line with [as to] the right foot where their dwelling is, when in the world of spirits, act with them, therefore are of a like nature. - 1748, August 14

Experientiae Spirituales 2819 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2819. Observavi cum tales infra pedem dextrum essent, in squallidis et excrementitiis, quae deportare sibi videbantur, quod usque haberent sui similes alte supra caput, correspondentes, et cum essent in cavitate occipitis [2812], quod quoque haberent eos supra caput alte, sibi correspondentes, qui se manifestabant cum quibus postea loquebar, dicentes, quod ii cum iis agant; sic sunt similis naturae, qui supra caput alte, in linea recta quoad pedem dextrum, ibi domicilium eorum, cum in mundo spirituum. 1748, 14 Aug.

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