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《灵界经历》 第2823节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2823

2823. About the Fall of angels out of heaven

It was shown once again [see 2597-2600] how the fall of angels out of heaven appears in the eyes of spirits, namely, when they stray into falsities. Lest the society be infected by the falsity [the angel] falls out of heave This happens very frequently, but when he has been instructed in the world of spirits is consequently in a state of truth, or obedience on the part of his earthly qualities, or acquiescence of earthly qualities in regard truth, he is received again into the heavenly society.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2823


It was again shown how the fall of angels from heaven appears to the eyes of spirits when, to wit, they go away [depart] into falsities: and lest the society may be infected by the falsity he falls from heaven. This happens very frequently, but when he has been instructed in the world of spirits, and thus [is] in a state of truth or obedience of his naturals, or repose of the naturals as regards truth, they are again received into the heavenly society.

Experientiae Spirituales 2823 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2823. De Lapsu angelorum e coelo

Iterum ostensum est [vide 2597-2600], quomodo apparet oculis spirituum lapsus angelorum e coelo, dum nempe in falsitates abeunt ne inficiatur societas falsitate, [talis] e coelo labitur, quod fit saepissime, sed cum in mundo spirituum instructus est sic in statu veritatis seu obedientiae naturalium ejus, seu quietis naturalium, quoad veritatem, in coelestem societatem iterum recipiuntur.

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