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《灵界经历》 第283节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 283

283. I arrived in one habitation where heat occupied my feet and loins

While by the mercy of God the Messiah I was being guided through several habitations of the inward heaven, 1I was also led through a habitation where heat at once occupied my feet and loins, and then I was told that here the kind of women were who had indulged in a life of bodily pleasure, but had nevertheless desired children; one of them even seemed to me to be pregnant.

This habitation is therefore quite unlike one in which women were who had had no desire for children, where I had felt no heat.

The conclusion follows that these women, even though they had indulged in pleasures, still had not extinguished the natural desire of love, which is to procreate offspring.


1. See 262, footnote 3.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 283


When by the mercy of God Messiah I was led through certain of the habitations of the interior heaven, I was also led through a habitation where warmth then filled my feet and loins; and it was said to me that in that abode were women who have enjoyed a life of pleasure, but nevertheless had desired children, and one of them seemed to me to be bearing a child. Thus this habitation is different from that in which were those women who were in no desire for children, where I felt no warmth. Hence it can be concluded that although these women have indulged in pleasures, they have not extinguished the natural desire of love which is that of the procreation of offspring.

Experientiae Spirituales 283 (original Latin 1748-1764)

283. Quod in mansionem pervenerim, ubi calor occupabat pedes et lumbos

Dum ex misericordia Dei Messiae perducerer per aliquas mansiones interioris coeli, etiam perductus sum per mansionem, ubi tunc calor occupabat pedes et lumbos, ac tunc mihi dicebatur, quod ibi essent illae, quae vita voluptatis fruitae sunt, sed usque desideraverint infantes,unum etiam gestare aliqua mihi visa est, ita diversa est mansio haec ab ea, in qua erant quae nullo desiderio infantum fuerunt, ubi nullum calorem sentivi 1

; inde [quisque] concludere potest, quod in iis, tametsi indulserint voluptatibus, usque non exstinxerint naturale desiderium amoris, quod est procreationis sobolis.


1. = sensi

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