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《灵界经历》 第284节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 284

284. About hell and the hellish gang

After midnight I awoke twice, and was having a vivid vision of what was going on in the spiritual realm around me, and there was someone let out of the lowest hell accompanied by some also infernal gang that seemed to be carried about in a kind of circle under the feet, around which they were marching in search of [something]. It was innocents they were looking for, and this with all cunning and eagerness. At length that gang, after seeming to themselves to walk a complete circle and to have sought in vain, finally thought they had come upon an innocent, whom they seemed to themselves in fantasy to treat in dreadful ways, inflicting ceaseless blows and lacerations.

Finally they also approached me and wanted to transfer me from one place to another, as one of them said, and then to corrupt me with their deceits, but by the mercy of God the Messiah, I was kept safe. Still, I perceived how subtly they were able to distort my thinking, through a most remarkable influence that bent whatever was good in a different direction, replacing it with something like poison. For the very evil character of those in hell is such that although they do not know what goodness is, they nevertheless sense its presence by means of their contrary character, and corrupt it in a moment.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 284


After midnight I was awakened twice, and had a vivid vision of what was taking place in the spiritual sphere around me. Someone had been sent forth from the lowest hell, accompanied also by a certain infernal crew who seemed to themselves to be carried round about as if around a kind of globe beneath the feet, around which they marched. They also inquired where there were innocent persons whom they sought with the utmost guile and assiduity. At length that crew, after seeming to themselves to have walked around the globe and to have inquired in vain, supposed they had found an innocent person whom they seemed to themselves to treat in a dreadful manner by their phantasies, and indeed with continued blows and lacerations. Later they also approached me and wanted to transfer me from one place to another in order that one of them might speak with me and so pervert me by his deceits; but by the mercy of God Messiah I was safe. Still I perceived in what a subtle manner he could by a wonderful influx pervert my thoughts, so that whatever was good he would bend into another sense, and substitute something poisonous, as it were: for the worst nature of those in hell is such that although they do not know what good is, still owing to their nature being contrary, they are keenly sensitive of its presence, and in a moment pervert it.

Experientiae Spirituales 284 (original Latin 1748-1764)

284. De inferno et turba infernali

Post mediam noctem bis evigilatus sum, et eram in visione viva, quid ageretur in sphaera spirituali circum me,et erat quidam 1

emissus ex infimo inferno, comitatus turba quadam etiam infernali, quae circumferri sibi videbantur quasi circum quendam orbem sub pedibus circum quem proficiscerentur, et quaererent erant innocentiae, quas quaerebant 2

, et quidem omni dolo et studio, tandem turba ea, postquam ambulare sibi visa esset per orbem, et frustra quaesivisse, tandem putabant se innocentem invenisse, quem diris modis sibi per phantasias tractare videbantur, et quidem continuis ictibus et dilacerationibus, tandem ad me quoque accesserunt, qui voluerunt me ab uno loco in alterum transferre, ut loquebatur unus, et sic me dolis suis pervertere 3

, sed tutus eram ex misericordia Dei Messiae, usque percipiebam, quam subtili modo pervertere posset cogitationes meas, per influxum mirandum, sic ut quicquid bonum esset, flecteret aliorsum, et substitueret quasi venenum, nam talis est eorum indoles pessima in inferno, ut tametsi non sciant quid bonum, usque per contrariam eorum indolem id persentiscunt, et momento pervertunt.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has quidem

2. The Manuscript has quaesiebant

3. The Manuscript has perverteret

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