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《灵界经历》 第285节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 285

285. Another noteworthy thing is how fantasy deceives them. For when they have been let out [of hell], they think they are walking around some circle, and trampling the universe beneath their feet, imagining themselves to be the greatest gods. Moreover, the hellish place is portrayed to them as a tub with a covering, and a little globe nearby on a kind of pyramidal base, on which they believe the universe to rest, which they look at, and which they control.

By their fantasy, I seemed to be let into such a tub, where a state prevails such as can never be described; for hell is too harsh ever to admit of description. But from mercy, it was not God the Messiah's good pleasure that I should be let down into it, because of the dreadful and wicked things there.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 285

285. It is moreover remarkable how phantasy deludes them; for when they are sent forth they suppose that they are walking around a kind of globe, and trampling the universe beneath their feet, so that they consider themselves to be the greatest gods. Moreover, an infernal place is represented to them as a vat with a covering, and with something almost globular on a kind of pyramidal base in which they suppose is the universe which they keep in view and govern. By their phantasy I was, as it were, let into such a vat, where the state is such as can never be described, for it is a hell too grievous for description; nor did it please God Messiah in His mercy, that I should be let down thither on account of the dire and wicked things there.

Experientiae Spirituales 285 (original Latin 1748-1764)

285. Praeterea memorabile est, quomodo phantasia eos eludit, putant enim orbem quendam circumambulare, cum emissi sunt, et sub pedibus calcare universum, sic ut deos maximos se esse putent; praeterea infernalis locus iis repraesentatur sicut tonna cum tegumento, et aliquo orbiculo prope super basin 1

quandam pyramidalem, in qua putant esse universum quod spectant, et quod gubernant,per eorum phantasiam immittebar quasi in talem tonnam ubi talis status est, ut nusquam describi possit, nam infernum gravius est, quam ut usquam describi queat, nec illuc demitti me, placuit Deo Messiae ex misericordia, propter dira et nefanda.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has basen vel basem

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