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《灵界经历》 第2841节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2841

2841. Earthly and bodily things putrefy when separated from spiritual and heavenly ones

I was inspired to tell spirits that the world's joys, worldly and bodily things separated from spiritual and heavenly ones, are no different than the extravasations of blood such as occur in wounds, blisters and the like, in which the lymph and extravasated blood gathers and eventually putrefies (blifwer wahr 1), for they are separated from the tissues, comparatively as pleasures of the body and nature are separated from their spiritual and heavenly principles. I was enabled to portray this by a spiritual mental image, and they acknowledged it. 1748, 17 Aug.


1. Swedish for "becomes pus."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2841


It was granted to say to spirits, that the joys of the world [that] mundane and corporeal [things] separated from spiritual and celestial [things] are similarly circumstanced, as [with] extravasations of blood, as customarily happens [ut solet] in wounds, blisters, and the like, wherein is collected the lymph and extravasated blood, and at length putrefies [blifwas wahr] for [they are] separated from the fibers, just as when the pleasant [things] of the body and nature are separated from their spiritual and celestial principles. This it was granted to represent by a spiritual idea, and [it was] acknowledged by them. - 1748, August 17.

Experientiae Spirituales 2841 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2841. Quod naturalia et corporea separata a spiritualibus et coelestibus, putrescant

Dicere dabatur spiritibus, quod mundi gaudia, mundana et corporea separata a spiritualibus et coelestibus, non aliter se habeant ac extravasationes sanguinis, ut solet in vulneribus, pustulis et similibus, in quae colligitur lympha et sanguis extravasatus, et tandem putrescit (blifwer wahr {a}) nam separata sunt a fibris, similiter cum jucunda corporis et naturae separantur a suis principiis spiritualibus et coelestibus: quod per ideam spiritualem dabatur repraesentare, et agnitum ab iis. 1748, 17 Aug.

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