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《灵界经历》 第2842节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2842

2842. It is not theirs that an earthly human, a spirit or an angel thinks, speaks, and acts

There were some evil spirits who were stubbornly denying that they think, speak, and act from any other than themselves, so it was shown them by some 4, 5, 6 live experiences more or less, that nothing comes from me, nothing from himself (but from where, the spirit still does not know), so that he finally admitted that nothing originates except [from] without and that he imagines it is theirs, and his own, whereas they are very much mistaken. This is the confession of those evil spirits in a perceptive state of experience. 1748, 17 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2842


There were certain evil spirits who persistently denied that they think, speak and act from another than from themselves; wherefore, by several experiences, 4, 5, 6, more or less, it was shown them to the life, that [I do] nothing of myself, [and that they do] nothing of themselves; but whence [it arises] he is still ignorant, so that at length he confesses that nothing inflows except from without him, and that he supposes it was of others (what they thought, spoke, and did), and of himself [suum] (what he thought, spoke and did) when yet they are very much mistaken. This is the confession of those evil spirits, in a state sensitive to experience. - 1748, August 17.

Experientiae Spirituales 2842 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2842. Quod non sit hominis, spiritus 1

et angeli quod cogitet, loquatur et agat

Spiritus quidam mali erant, qui pertinaciter negabant, quod ab alio cogitent, loquantur et agant quam a semet, quare per experientias aliquot 4, 5, 6 plures vel pauciores ostensum eis ad vivum erat, quod nihil ex me, nihil ex se, sed unde adhuc nescit [spiritus], sic ut fassus tandem, quod nihil nisi [ab] extra eum influat, et quod is putet aliorum esse, et suum, cum tamen fallantur permultum, haec est spirituum istorum malorum, in statu sensitivo experientiae, confessio. 1748, 17 Aug.


1. The Manuscript has hominis spiritus

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