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《灵界经历》 第2843节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2843

2843. Cruel and adulterous spirits love nothing more than filth and dung. It was spoken of earlier [2773, 2819] that filth and dung are most enjoyable to such spirits, so that they prefer the pleasure of viewing them above all other pleasures, and not only filth and dung, but also the dirty, foul, and repulsive intestines of animals. So great [is their enjoyment of them] that when they are acting through anyone on earth, they pull the person's whole inward feeling as well as sight to such things, because they delight in them.

This I have also been shown by plain experience. When I was walking on the street they drew my eyes away to such things. Wherever there was filth, dung, or intestines, there they directed my eyes. Even though I was unaware myself where these were on the street, because I do not pay attention to such things, they nevertheless saw them without my notice, and forced my eyesight in that direction, whether it was to the side, or around my feet, either near or far away, and they would not turn my eyes toward anything else, and I was told that this is the nature of those who are cruel and adulterous, and who dwell beneath the right foot [2772-2773]. Hence I was able to conclude that they do not operate through people on earth in any other way than by watching for such things, being carried away by the enjoyment of them, and whoever is of their character is led by them, but one who is not is turned away from such. 1748, 17 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2843


(I have spoken) previously of this [fact] that to such spirits, filth and excrements are very pleasant, so that they prefer the pleasantness of beholding such things to all other pleasantnesses, and not only filth and excrements, but also foul, loathsome, and horrid intestines of animals, to that degree, that when they act through man they snatch away all his interior sense, as also [his] sight, to such things, because they, are delighted therewith. This also was shown me by manifest experience; when I walked in the street, they carried away my eyes to all such things; wherever there was filth, excrement and intestines, thither they directed my eyes, although I was ignorant where were such things in the street, because not observed by me. Still they saw these, whilst I was wholly unobservant, and thither directed my eyes, either to [my] side, or about [my] feet, or near and farther from thence; and the did not turn my eyes to anything else. I was told that such are they who are cruel and adulterous, who dwell under the right foot. Hence I could conclude that these observe through man nothing else but such things, because carried away by the pleasantness thereof; and when man is of such a character he is led by them; [but] he who is not of such a character is turned away from such. - 1748, August 17.)

Experientiae Spirituales 2843 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2843. Quod spiritus crudeles et adulteri nihil plus ament quam sordes et excrementa

De hoc prius [2773, 2819], quod spiritibus talibus sordes et excrementa sint jucundissima, sic ut jucunditatem tuendi talia, praeferant omnibus aliis jucunditatibus, et non solum sordes et excrementa, sed etiam squalida, tetra et horrenda intestina animalium, in tantum, ut dum agunt per hominem, omnem ejus sensum, interiorem, ut et visum abripiant in talia, quia iis delectantur, quod etiam manifesta experientia mihi ostensum est: cum irem in platea, auferebant oculos meos in omnia talia, ubicunque erant sordes, excrementa et intestina illuc oculos meos ferebant; tametsi nescirem ego, ubinam essent in platea, quia talia a me non observantur, usque ii videbant ea, me prorsus non observante, et oculos meos illuc agebant, si vel ad latus, vel circa pedes, vel prope vel longius inde, nec in aliud oculos meos vertebant, et dictum mihi, quod tales sint, qui crudeles et adulteri, qui habitant sub pede dextro [2772-2773]; inde concludere potui, quod ii non aliter 1

per hominem observant quam talia, quia jucunditate eorum auferuntur, et dum homo talis est, ab iis ducitur, qui non talis, avertitur a talibus. 1748, 17 Aug.


1. sic manuscript

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