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《灵界经历》 第286节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


后来,当我从床上起来时,那个魔鬼(282, 284节)对我还活在地上感到惊讶。这些事都是我在完全清醒的状态下看见的,当时还伴有生动的思维和言语,所以这是纯粹的真理。(1747年12月1日)

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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 286

286. Further, I was told afterwards from heaven that those abide there who have so little left [of what is human] that they remain there for centuries, and that there are people there who have been there already for twenty centuries. I was also told that there is no one there today from among those who perished at the time of the flood (these were released from that dreadful hellish vat), and who have been created anew.

286. 1/2. Later, when I was arising from bed, that devil [282, 284] was amazed that I lived on the earth. These things I saw in full wakefulness, accompanied by conscious thought, as well as speech; so that this is the untarnished truth. 1747, the 1st day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 286

286. Moreover, it was afterwards said to me from heaven, that those who are there are such as have so slight a residuum left that they remain there for ages, and that there are those who have been there now for twenty ages; that at this day there is none there of those who perished at the time of the flood, but that they have been released from that dreadful infernal vat; and there are those who have been created anew. 1


1. This paragraph is thus entered in the Index (s.v. Infernum): "It was said that certain ones in that infernal vat have been there for ages, and those who were before the flood, having been much vastated, were raised up thence;" and s.v. Diluvium: "Concerning the antediluvians."

286 1/2. Afterwards, when I arose from bed, that devil marveled that I was living upon the earth. These things were seen by me in full wakefulness, and at the same time with vivid thought together with speech, so that this is the pure truth. 1747, Dec. 1.

Experientiae Spirituales 286 (original Latin 1748-1764)

286. Praeterea e coelo mihi dicebatur postea, quod tales ibi sint, qui tam exiguum residui habeant, ut per saecula ibi permaneant, et quod ibi sint, qui jamdum per 20 saecula ibi fuerint, et quod ibi hodie nemo eorum sit, qui tempore diluvii perierunt, sed quod exsoluti sunt a dira ista infernali tonna; et qui 1

e novo creati sint.

286a. Postea miratus est diabolus iste quod viverem super terra quando ex lecto surgerem; haec in plena vigilia mihi visa sunt, et simul cum viva cogitatione, et simul cum loquela, sic ut veritas pura sit. 1747, die 1 Dec.


1. nisi auctor hic. quod intenderit

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