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《灵界经历》 第2863节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2863

2863. When their sound was heard by other spirits, then the other spirits fled away. I thought this was something similar to the east wind (spoken of earlier [2121-2127]), that is, some variety of it that would dispel spirits. The spirits fled away and said that these are the kind that make off with their possessions, so they steal-that is why they fled. And when I asked what goods they took away in the other life, they said that everyone has something they do not want to lose. So I can understand that such spirits would be dispersed by them who entertained the fantasy that they possess goods, namely, anything of gold, silver, of clothes and the like. And when the fantasy of others who steal streams in, then they flee away and are dispersed. 1748, 19 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2863

2863. When their sound was heard by other spirits, they fled. I supposed that it was similar to the east wind: (of which [I spoke] above): for it was something of this kind that dispersed the spirits. The spirits fled thence, and said that [these] are of such a character that they carry off their goods therefore that [these steal]: wherefore they fled: and when I asked what goods they carried [might carry] off, in the other life, they said that everyone had something, which he did not wish to lose. Wherefore I can understand, that such spirits as are endured with that phantasy of possessing goods, to wit somewhat of gold, silver, garments and the like, were dispersed by those [other spirits]; and when the phantasy of the others who may steal, inflows, then they flee away and are dispersed. - 1748, August 19.

Experientiae Spirituales 2863 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2863. [vide 2862]

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