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《灵界经历》 第2864节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2864

2864. About those who practice truldom, 1or witchcraft

In my sleep I was bothered by those who practice witchcraft or Truldom [see 2740-2750, 2814], but I do not remember in what way I was bothered. Having woken up in the night, I noticed that such spirits were around me, in fact even in my scalp, for when I was awake, many fled away indeed, as if coming out of the scalp here there with a little whistling sound, as when a small inflated bladder is punctured, thus that quick hissing sound (hastigt hwasande som af wader som utfar 2), or like that of snakes. Many of these dwell in the outermost province of the head, or its scalp.


1. Swedish for "witchcraft."

2. Swedish for "quick hissing as of air escaping."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2864


In sleep, I was harassed by those who employed [practiced] sorceries, or trulldom, but I do not remember in what manner I was harassed. Having awaked in the night, I perceived that such [spirits] were around me, yea also in the skin of my head; for when I had awaked, many fled away, and indeed, as if from the skin of the head, here and there, with a slight hissing sound, like as when some little distended vesicle is perforated. Such was the quick sound of that hissing [hastigt hwasande som af wader som utfar:] or like the [hissing] of serpents many of these dwell in the outermost province of the head, to wit in the skin thereof.

Experientiae Spirituales 2864 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2864. De iis, qui utuntur truldom {a} seu praestigiis

In somno vexatus eram ab iis, qui utebantur praestigiis seu Truldom [vide 2740-2750, 2814], sed non memini quomodo vexatus sum; evigilatus in nocte, animadverti quod tales circum me essent, imo etiam in cute capitis mei, nam dum evigilatus essem, aufugiebant 1

plures, et quidem quasi ex cute capitis hic et ibi, cum parvulo sono sibili, icut dum vesicula quaedam parva 2

distenta {b} perforatur, sic sonus istius sibili citus, (hastigt hwasande som af wader som utfar {c}) seu sicut serpentum; ii habitant plerique in provincia extima capitis nempe in ejus cute.


1. The Manuscript has aufugebant

2. The Manuscript has pava

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