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《灵界经历》 第2878节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2878

2878. A conversation with certain Jews on the land of Canaan

I spoke with certain quite learned Jews about God the Messiah, saying that He was portrayed by the sacrifices, and that He is Jehovah the God of Israel, Who was to come; then about the land of Canaan, that He would introduce the faithful into the land of Canaan, by which not some country can be meant, but heaven - for what would they have by being introduced into some country where they would live only 40 or 50 years, and would die? So by the land of Canaan is meant heaven, where life is eternal. What are 40 and 50 years but a tiny dot, and hardly that compared to eternity, in which life they [now] are? Also (I now add), what need have their dead for such a land, who are myriads more than those who live?

On hearing all this they said, "Where do you get these things?"-seeming as if they were listening to them. I was given to reply that this is to be found in the prophets everywhere, and if they are understood, these things open up. As an example that the prophets are speaking about these things, I was prompted to say that Ezekiel (if I am not mistaken) describes the new Jerusalem and the New Temple [chap. 40-48]. These particulars can never be understood unless it is understood what heaven is like, which is symbolized by them. 1748, 21 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2878


I spoke with certain quite learned Jews concerning God the Messiah, that he is represented by the sacrifices, and that he is Jehovah God of Israel who was to come: also concerning the land of Canaan, that he would introduce the faithful into the land of Canaan, by which cannot be understood any land but heaven, for what would it profit them to be introduced into some land, where they would live only forty to fifty years, and die. Wherefore by the land of Canaan is understood heaven, where is life eternal. What is forty and fifty years but a little point, and scarcely this, as respects eternity, in which life they [now] are. Then (I now add [this]) what need have their dead of such a land, of whom there are myriads in comparison with those who live. When they heard [this] they said, whence do you have these things: they seemed as if they paid attention thereto. It was granted to reply that this is everywhere in the prophets, who if they are understood, these things are patent: for example, that the prophets speak concerning such things, it was given to say that Ezekiel (if I mistake not) describes the new Jerusalem and new Temple. These things cannot be understood, unless it is understood of what nature is the heaven, which is signified by these things. - 1748, August 21.

Experientiae Spirituales 2878 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2878. Sermo cum quibusdam Judaeis de terra Canaane

Cum loquutus sum quibusdam satis doctis Judaeis 1

, de Deo Messia, quod repraesentatus per sacrificia 2

, et quod sit Jehovah Deus Israelis, Qui venturus, tum de terra Canaane, quod introducturus fideles in terram Canaan, per quam non intelligi possit aliqua terra, sed coelum--nam 3

quid haberent ex introductione in terram quandam, ubi viverent modo 40 ad 50 annos, et morerentur? quare intellectum 4

est per terram Canaanem, coelum, ubi vita 5

aeterna, quid 40 et 50 anni, nisi punctulum, et vix hoc ad aeternitatem, in qua vita sunt? tum 6

(nunc addo) quid mortui 7

eorum opus habent terra tali, qui myriades sunt prae iis qui vivunt?--cum 8

audirent, dicebant, "unde habes haec?" videbantur quasi attenderent ad ea; respondere dabatur, quod hoc in prophetis ubivis, qui si intelleguntur, haec patent; in exemplum, quod de talibus loquantur prophetae, dicere dabatur, quod Ezechiel (ni fallor) describat novam Hierosolymam et novum Templum [XL-XLVIII]; haec non possunt usquam intelligi, nisi intelligatur quale coelum, quod per illa significatur. 1748, 21 Aug.


1. The Manuscript has Judaei

2. The Manuscript has sacrificia

3. The Manuscript has coelum, nam

4. The Manuscript has intellecta

5. The Manuscript has vitae

6. The Manuscript has sunt, tum

7. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has mortuis

8. The Manuscript has vivunt: cum

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