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《灵界经历》 第2885节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2885

2885. Bodily spirits cannot understand the inward things of the Word

When I was hastily reading something about the inward things of the Word, specifically what names and expressions symbolized, then it was communicated how such spirits perceive them. From this it was obvious that they not only did not understand, but despised them, looking on them as vile, and spewing them out as insanity.

They spoke with me afterwards about this matter, and I was prompted to answer them with a comparison, [asking] whether they believe that when birds hear human speech, they can grasp it otherwise than as just a sound, devoid of the spirit of speech, which is thought on some subject unknown to them. At this they were unable to reply. 1748, 22 Aug. It was given me to add also, of those who read in the Word of the Lord, in the Psalms or elsewhere, some see there great light, delighting in every single word; some see none, not even understanding the words.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2885


When I was reading, hastily, something concerning the interiors of the Word, to wit what is signified by names and expressions, then was communicated the perception of such spirits; from which it could be apparent, that they not only did not perceive, but despised, held in slight estimation, and rejected it as an absurdity [insanum]. Concerning this matter they afterwards spoke to me. It was granted to reply to them by a comparison: whether they believe, when the birds hear the speech of man, that they do not know there can be anything else perceived but the sound merely without the spirit of speech, or thought concerning something. To which they could answer nothing. - 1748, August 22. It was also given to add, it is just like reading in the Lord's Word, the Psalms, or elsewhere. Some see, therein, great light, [and] are delighted with each thing. Some [see] nothing, so as not to understand even a word.

Experientiae Spirituales 2885 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2885. Quod spiritus corporei non intelligere possint interiora Verbi

Cum aliquid de interioribus Verbi, quid nempe nomina et expressiones significarent, cursim legerem, tunc communicata erat talium spirituum perceptio, ex qua constare potuit, quod non solum non perceperint, sed contemserint, vilipenderint et respuerint sicut insanum; de 1

qua re postea mecum loquuti sunt, quibus respondere dabatur, per comparationem, dum volucres audiunt loquelam hominis, num credant, quod aliter percipere possint quam quod sit solum sonus absque spiritu loquelae, seu cogitatione de aliqua re, iis non cognita; ad quae respondere nihil potuerunt. 1748, 22 Aug. Addere 2

etiam dabatur, sicut qui legunt in Verbo Domini, Psalmis aut alibi, quidam ibi lucem magnam vident, delectantur singulis, quidam nullam, sic ut ne verba quidem intelligant.


1. The Manuscript has insanum, de

2. The Manuscript has Aug: addere

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