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《灵界经历》 第2886节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2886

2886. About certain spirits or angels who, when they come,

seem to have the Lord's presence with them

On several occasions I have seen that spirits, or angels let back into the state of spirits, when they spoke made out as if it were the Lord Himself Who was speaking, pouring or slipping into spirits the conviction as if the Lord Himself were present. However, after they spoke I was able to recognize from certain signs that they were claiming this, and that they were permitted or inspired to claim it.

Now also, toward evening, a similar spirit, or angel sent back as a spirit was with me, and actually very close by overhead, as usually happens, and then the evil spirits around me were unable to attack me, or not anything could flow in from them, for through his presence it was intercepted. But he afterwards said that he had become someone else. It seems that through such spirits there is a presence of angels, with whom the Lord is felt to be present, hence that presence was felt in this case. 1748, 22 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2886


I have sometimes perceived that spirits or angels remitted into the state of spirits, when they spoke, alleged [praetulerint] that it was, as it were, the Lord Himself who spoke, so that they infused or insinuated in spirits, the persuasion, as it were, that the Lord Himself was present; but still after they had spoken, I could know from indications [indiciis] that they alleged [this] and that it is permitted or conceded to them to allege this. Now, also, about evening, a similar spirit or angel remitted into the spirit, was with me, and indeed next [very near] above the head, as is wont to happen; and then evil spirits around me could not infest me, nor anything inflow from them, for by his presence, this was intercepted from them; but he afterwards said, that he [had] become another. It seems that through such [spirits] is the presence of angels, with whom the Lord is perceived [as] present; hence, also [his] presence is perceived. - 1748, August 22.

Experientiae Spirituales 2886 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2886. De quibusdam spiritibus aut angelis, qui dum veniunt, praesentiam Domini secum videantur habere

Aliquoties percepi quod spiritus, aut angeli qui remissi in statum spirituum, cum loquuti praetulerint quod quasi Dominus esset, Ipse, Qui loqueretur, sic ut infunderent seu insinuarent spiritibus quasi persuasionem, quod Ipse Dominus adesset; sed usque postquam loquuti, ex indiciis potui cognoscere, quod praetulerint, et iis permissum aut concessum sit praeferre, nunc quoque circa vesperam, similis spiritus seu angelus in spiritum 1

remissus penes me erat, et quidem proxime super caput, ut fieri solet, et tunc spiritus mali circum me non potuerunt me infestare, aut de iis quoddam influere; nam per praesentiam ejus, iis hoc interceptum est, sed is postea dixit, quod alius factus: videtur quod per tales praesentia angelorum est, apud quos Dominus percipitur praesens, inde praesentia quoque percepta. 1748, 22 Aug.


1. nisi legendum spiritu

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