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《灵界经历》 第29节

(一滴水译本 2020--)



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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 29

29. By evil spirits who are not living in order, delights also can be produced, so that they are "the delights of a king," or Asher [Gen. 49:20]. 1[Spirit; Pleasure; Asher]

I could not think even the least thing, but what flowed in from the Lord. [Thought, Think; Inflow]


....Also distinguished into heavens, according to their different kinds of mental belief, are the angels who govern inward human thoughts: for people have around them an inward, and a very inward, heaven - even an innermost one. I also was enabled by the mercy of God the Messiah actually to share my thoughts for a while with those who were in the heaven of understanding - or rather, to have contact with them through my thoughts and, by intermediaries, to speak with them. I was even allowed to purify my thoughts to the point where I directly touched those who were in the heaven of belief based on understanding. Then I saw that it was they who are meant by "Gad" in a more inward sense. For even though they know, and are therefore able to believe, that God the Messiah Alone rules them through the Holy Spirit, and that they only had power when they were directly enlivened - still they were upset and wanted at first to cause a commotion, but after some contention with me, they quieted down.

Moreover, I was also allowed today, by the Divine mercy of God the Messiah, actually to experience the fact that spirits, even if they are evil, that is, in upside-down order, are also able to give "the delights of a King" [Gen. 49:20]. These, when they are in that state, are meant in an outward sense by "Asher," for they were able to produce harmonious pleasures, performing services to the inward heaven, or inward person.

These are the matters that are hidden here, and more could be said about them: 1747, the 8th day of February, on which day I was allowed to note something in the margin about the blessings of the sons of Jacob, chapter 49 of Genesis. 3


1. See Experiences Spirituales, Vol I, p. xxxii, locus 17.

2. See Experiences Spirituales, Vol I, p. xxxiii.

3. See Experientiae Spirituales, Vol VI, appendix E.

In the upper left hand corner of page 62 of Swedenborg's Schmidius Bible is the annotation, "About Gad and Asher, see Experiences, Tome III at the end." In the lower right hand corner are his annotations on Gen. 49:19-20, which read:

"Vers. 19.) Gad is the righteousness of the more inward person, thus of faith through understanding, in that we think we are our own, not believing we are controlled by God the Messiah in the least details, as is usual with everyone lacking Divine experience. They are the fruits of faith by understanding, thus "he whom a troop tramps upon." He "tramps upon the heel" when it is Jacob, in almost the same sense as [the prophecy] that nature tramps upon the heel, Gen. [3:15?].

"Vers. 20.) Asher is blessedness that is the result of loves, or Issachar, in the more inward meaning, and in the inward meaning."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 29

29. Delights can also be produced by evil spirits who do not live in order, so that they are the "delights of a king", or Asher. (Ascher, Fucunditas, Spiritus.) I could not think even the least thing except what flowed in from God Messiah. (Cogitare, Influxus.)


....angels also are distinguished into heavens in accordance with the varieties of intellectual faith, and so are those who rule the interior human thoughts, for man has around him a certain interior, and more interior, and even inmost heaven. It was permitted [me] by the Divine Mercy of God Messiah for a little while to share my thoughts in a living manner with those who dwell in the intellectual heaven, or to have communication with them through thoughts, and to speak with them by other means. Indeed it was given me to purify my thoughts to such a degree that those who were in the heaven of intellectual faith were brought into immediate contact. 1Then it was observed that they were those who are meant in the more interior sense by Gad; for although they know, and so are able to believe, that God Messiah by the Holy Spirit alone rules them, and that they only had power as long as they were being aroused directly, yet they were upset; and at first they wanted to excite some disturbances, but after some contention with me they became quiet. Moreover, today also by the Divine mercy of God Messiah it was permitted [me] to experience in a living manner that spirits, although evil, that is to say being in an inverted order, can also give "the delights of a king" [Gen. xlix 20]. These, so long as they are in that state, are meant by Asher in the exterior sense, for they were in such a state that they might make enjoyments suitably, by rendering obedience to the interior heaven or interior man. These are matters that are arcana, and more could have been said about them. 1747, the 8th day of February, on which day it was permitted [me] to note something in the margin concerning the blessings of the sons of Jacob, Genesis chap. xlix. 2


1. Crossed out "who, being aroused, spoke with me today, by means of other spirits".

2. The note is: "Concerning Gad and Asher, see the experience in Tome III (of The Word Explained (Cod. 61) at the end."

Experientiae Spirituales 29 (original Latin 1748-1764)

29. 1

Quod spiritus mali, qui non in ordine vivunt, etiam per eos produci possint delitiae, sic quod sint delitiae regis, seu Ascher, n. 29. [Spiritus]

Quod per spiritus malos, qui non in ordine vivunt, etiam delitiae produci queant, ut sint delitiae regis, seu Ascher, n. 29. [Jucunditas]

Quod per spiritus, qui non in ordine vivunt, etiam delitiae produci queant, sic quod sint delitiae regis, seu Ascher, n. 29. [Ascher]

Quod ne minimum quidem cogitare potuerim, quam quod influxit a Domino, n. 29. [Cogitatio, Cogitare]

Quod ne minimum quidem cogitare potuerim, quod non influxerit 2

a Domino, n. 29. [Influxus] [BATHAE FRAGMENTUM] 3

Angeli quoque distincti sunt in coelos, secundum fidei intellectualis varietates, sic qui regunt cogitationes interiores humanas, nam homo circum se quoddam coelum habet interius ac intimius, etiam intimum, per Divinam Dei Messiae misericordiam cum illis, qui erant in coelo intellectuali, aliquamdiu 4

quoque communicare cogitationes ad vivum, seu per cogitationes cum iis commercium habere licuit, et mediis aliis, cum iis loqui; imo dabatur cogitationes meas purificare eo usque, ut ii immediate tangerentur, qui essent in coelo intellectualis fidei; tunc observatum est, quod ii essent qui per Gadem in intimiori sensu intelliguntur, nam tametsi sciunt, et sic possunt credere, quod Deus Messias per Spiritum Sanctum, Solus eos regat, et quod solum potentia [iis] dum immediate excitabantur, usque emoti sunt, et primum aliquas turbas excitare voluerunt, sed post aliquam contentionem mecum acquieverunt; praeterea etiam hodie per Divinam Dei Messiae misericordiam, ad vivum experiri licuit, quod spiritus, tametsi mali, qui nempe in ordine inverso sunt etiam delitias Regis possint dare [Gen. 49:20], qui dum in eo statu sunt, per Ascherem in sensu exteriori intelliguntur, nam erant in statu, ut jucunditates facerent 5

, convenientes, obsequia praestando interiori coelo, seu interiori homini, haec sunt, quae arcana sunt, et de quibus plura dici potuissent, 1747, die 8 Febr.: quo die de benedictionibus filiorum Jacobi, Genes. Cap. XLIX, aliquid in margine annotare licuit. 6


1. vide annotationem 2 mox supra

2. sic manuscript

3. cf 28, 29 supra; vide praefationem hujus voluminis sub capite 'The Bath Fragment'"

4. In the Manuscript sub aliqu [ ] (exitu abscisso) apparet diu

5. imperfectum in the Manuscript; forte legendum foverent

6. transcriptio harum annotationum marginalium in Swedenborgii copia Bibliae Schmidianae videatur in appendice

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