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《灵界经历》 第2914节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2914

2914. Through my gazes, spirits were found, and affected

This was a common occurrence all the time, that spirits were being discovered. And when they were moved to speaking, to controlling things, to retorting, and anything else, it was done by means of a look, and these gazes were directed toward them in a remarkable manner, and they were found, one by one, at times as if by rays. The searching looks separated them, and affected them in a great variety of ways depending on the circumstance. Therefore the distinct kinds of looks, and their directions, cannot be described here because of the abundance of differences. 1748, 25 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2914


This was a common [general] [principle] at all times: that spirits are discovered, and when excited to speak, direct, retort, and anything else, that it happened through intuitions, and that the intuitions were wonderfully directed towards them, and that they were discovered one after another: sometimes as if by rays, were separated by the intuitions, and were affected with much variety. As then the case stands thus, therefore the differences of intuitions and their directions cannot be described here on account of the multitude of differences. - 1748, August 25.

Experientiae Spirituales 2914 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2914. Quod spiritus per intuitiones meas inventi, et affecti

Hoc commune fuit per totum tempus, quod inventi sint spiritus, et cum afficerentur ad loquendum, ad regendum, ad retorquendum, et aliud quicquam, quod fieret per intuitiones, et quod intuitiones mirabiliter dirigerentur versus eos, et invenirentur ab uno ad alterum, quasi per radios quandoque {a}, quod per intuitiones separarentur, et afficerentur cum multa varietate, sicut tunc se res habet; quare discrimina intuitionum et directionum earum hic describi nequeunt ob copiam differentiarum. 1748, 25 Aug.

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